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Tini July 29, 2018 2:42 pm

When Mo is sleeping he dreams about He Tian's sexy voice, hands and body.

Tini October 28, 2016 4:51 pm

Guanshan' husbando is mad! This is going to be amusing! >w<

Tini's questions ( All 1 )

Tini July 27, 2018 8:59 am

Hi. Lately I've been encountering with people who watch anime, but also have this kind of strange rule when they watch first 3 episodes of a certain anime and then decide whether they would continue watching it or not.

Personally I don't need this, because I have my own system. It's just If you didn't like even fisrt episode or find it very boring from the very start why would you even continue whatching next episodes.

So I have a few question about your opinion on this (Please try to answer all of them if you can :-) ):
1. What do you think about 'rule of 3 episodes'?
2. (There are some people who write reviews based on their rule.) Should they really write
a review based on something this?
3. Do you think these people are really into anime?

Thank you for your answers :-)

    Never_Say_Never July 27, 2018 9:09 am

    I watch three episode and then decide too, because I think that the story don't start in the very first episode. Like, in durarara, the first is impossible to understand alone and you have to continue watching (don't know if I have explain myself)

    KattyMackDaddy July 27, 2018 9:29 am

    I just watch it and decide whether or not to keep watching when i get bored, so i'll get bored in the 5th or 7th ep and i'll stop, or i just find a better anime an start watching that, but i always end up watch the anime anyways even if its like 3 years from now

    blackclover July 27, 2018 10:00 am

    I do watch 3 episodes and decide to continue or not, same like manga, i read the first 10 chapters first if its a long series. This ever happened to me, i watch aot for like a minute then abandoned it because i thought its too scary but i love it so much now lol

    Rin July 27, 2018 4:47 pm

    I try not to drop any anime. In very very rare cases where even after the 7th episode the anime is not going anywhere or not interesting at all, is only when I drop it.
    So with some anime people would be missing out a lot if they follow the 3 ep rule. And honestly, if one don't watch the whole series they don't get any right to write a review smh -_-

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