I'm concerned about my health. I moved to a new country at the other side of the world (no kidding) and since I came here I have noticed some weird shit going on with my body. However, at the moment, what I find really chronic is that in my upper neck, around the jawline, sorry I forgot what it's called, have been swollen since yesterday and unusually hurts. It seems I had a giant double chin. I'm soooo skinny but I have quite the big cheeks but my face in general looks swollen and I'm getting scared. Is it thyroids? Lymphatic nods? Cancer?
Is there is the sightless sign of rape I’M LEAVING
I mean isn't there already? Like the blowjob wasn't really very consensual at all. But yeah I expect some pushing from Wooyeon's side, but I hope Peter at least voices his concerns and gives some what consent.