I have a question to ask, can anybody tell me in the manga Mo Dao Zu Shi, why does Wei WuXian keep on finding a way to avoid Lan WangJi? Is he afraid or something? Please answer if you do know, thank you
Check out the translation of the original novel on Exiled Rebels Scanlations site. It's not done, but much further along that the manga. And it provides a lot more detail on everything.
Check out the translation of the original novel on Exiled Rebels Scanlations site. It's not done, but much further along that the manga. And it provides a lot more detail on everything. JadeAlberona
I have a question to ask, can anybody tell me in the manga Mo Dao Zu Shi, why does Wei WuXian keep on finding a way to avoid Lan WangJi? Is he afraid or something? Please answer if you do know, thank you
Check out the translation of the original novel on Exiled Rebels Scanlations site. It's not done, but much further along that the manga. And it provides a lot more detail on everything.
Thank you for your response. I appreciate it.