nik created a topic of PUNKSā–³TRIANGLE

saw that theres a chinese version~ if the TLs need any help, im alright to help~ or if anyone wants to clean/typeset im alright to translate as well, but I'll wait until 3 months have passed till the last update before I do anything tbh zzzzz

how does catherine know lucifer again?? did they meet at the banquet of great demons or what cos idr him at all LOL

nik created a topic of Sweetie, Sweetie, Sweetie

definitely didnt just violently cry thinking about how he misses his mom like goddammit man.

imagine being transported into a foreign world where you know nothing and nobody and ur tasked to save the world when ur just a guy who misses ur mom very very much and maybe you just want a hug. meanwhile the one who you love just turned his back against you like fuck man. my brain needs to shut up im crying again

nik asked a question

anyone know of any manhwa where the mc goes crazy in time loops, or like loses themselves slowly as the time loops progresses? preferably bl, but any recs related to this is fine!

nik created a topic of Ranker who lives a second time

agares is so fking funny bro rly out thr dm'ing mc being like CALL ON ME TOOOOO when he can clearly show up by himself but nooo hes a little shit who wants special attention

nik asked a question

anyone got any toxic BL recs? preferably the kind where both of them are toxic towards each other and are both manipulative/cunning. BL/GL both okay tbh! Thanks in advance <3

well, that was definitely one of the worst finales ive seen.... at least its complete but,,, wow. the last 3-5 chs can and shld honestly be stretched out bcs damn,,, this feels like they jst published what was left of the storyboard?? and then called it a day like whaaaa

the story wouldve been okay if it just marinated a bit longer :(


and thats some interesting things not-ellen is saying......

nik created a topic of The Scholar's Reincarnation

jst realised turquoise hair dude is the adopted child of the mercs that mc killed a while back,,,, the one w the really sad backstory ;-; goddammit why does it have to be this way....

wtf since when cld he do that n r his eyes diff colour or am i trippin

nik created a topic of Marriage of Convenience

sauvre and robert are the gay uncles to alex.... in my heart at least.... ik they got nth going on (and maybe one of them might end up w lucy which is also cool) but they rly give me the unofficial alrd got married for 50 yrs kinda vibe lowk

lmao the censoring of chao ni ma (fk ur mom basically) lol

am i just delusional af,,, or does john kinda look like heathcliff from limbus with green eyes? is the brain rot catching up to me...?

nik followed a list

The highly anticipated BL list for Isekai to help fulfill your yaoi needs and wants!!! 

*NOTE: This list will be updated as more BL Isekai stories are found (take note that many are ongoing/incomplete).

11 01,2022