I see people being rude to other people when they're confused? I mean, I read a manhwa a while back and the MC had a sudden personality change so I was confused, and commented about it. Someone replied and explained a little while after I posted the comment, but recently someone replied trynna put me down for asking and even putting down "study group" by saying "hahaha this isn't study group." And then even made another comment making fun of me and everyone else who was confused, even putting my (old) username in there.. Does anyone else get this issue? What should I do??

Father and Son or Brother and Brother manhwas?? I always see Mother&Son or Mother&Daughter or Sister&Brother, I want to read a Brother&Brother manhwa or Father&Son. Preferably not one with romance, just the father&Son/ brother&Brother:))

Only one I can think of
what was the manga with the guy that turned into a girl and his name was like shion or smthn and he kept getting freaky with his bsf