Let’s keep it 100 Dan is a 30 year old man and he’s out here acting like a live sick teenage girl I have no respect for him because he as a character has no respect for him self this story is extremely 2 dimensional and sick in a way
-let’s not sit here and act like Jaekyoung didn’t basically rape Dan in the beginning of the story
-through out the story jaekyoung constantly tells Dan he wants purely transactional relationship and nothing more but Dan keeps wanting more why????
-literally no reason at all what conversations have these characters had out side in of jaekyoungs boxing physical health and SEX it’s bad writing there’s more effort in to to art of the sex scenes than the conversations
-we also know absolutely nothing about ether or any of the characters we know nothing about jaekyoung besides what he doesn’t like who are his parents who are his siblings friends people that influence his life negatively and positively
-Dan is worst to me because we spend the most time in his pov and we know nothing about him like AT ALL we know more about what he likes sexually than we do his backstory the only stuff we do get is when he has to go see his grandma that he goes and visit once every fucking 4 weeks or should I say when the plot needs the main characters to remind us that she’s still alive because literally with out her why is Dan there it’s 30 fucking years old and he acts like he was born yesterday does he not have any life experience at he grown ass age he should know something you been alive for 30 years and you still don’t know how to manage your money like the fuckkkkk speaking of the money
-how much is he getting paid is it that little that he has to get a side job ???? Ok he had to pay for his grandma’s surgery’s but how often is he getting paid that he’s still that broke jaekyoung literally says it in the last chapter your brokeee so let me ask y’all something is it really worth him to be in this situation if he’s still not making any money
Oh wait he has to pay jaekyoung back bye cooking and shit isn’t that just perfect to keep these two dumb asses together
All the other characters are irrelevant and we learned more about them in the damn character bios that in the damn story it’s self
And don’t even get me started on that damn live triangle that basically lasted two chapters
I get it the author is trying to take an evil man and show that love from a 30 year old innocent extremely naïve broke as fuck no back bone no comprehension skills that takes good d!(& will save his life
But that’s bullshit you we all know it
But what I truly wanna know is what strand is the author smoking because I want some of that
This is the worst romance I have ever read why do we want the main character to be with someone who’s abusive I don’t care how many sex scenes you have with the moaning and blushing love isn’t sex these characters literally haven’t even talked to each other like normal human beings ???? Rape verbal abuse mental abuse nasty attitudes physical ahúse is not cute or romantic these twink and dom love story’s are gross
Lollllll I you see all you hoes in my reply defending this ish the replies are sending me y'all saying I’m triggered when all I did was state an opinion and y’all blocking me like imma go cry about it how about y’all read what I said and think about it goofy ass bitches thank you to those who just read it and left