ladies and gentlemen, this is what grooming looks like LMAO i feel bad for what the seme went through as a kid, but still doesn’t give him an excuse to be a snake to the uke and to his mom. :))
is it just me or do i feel like isagi is gonna b eliminated soon? like he’s been on such a roll & i feel like he’s gonna b eliminated and he’s gonna have that chance to try again and ykyk
:/// such a great series fucking ruined by a creep like him ugh,,, good that he was arrested but it’s such a shame that thanks to him the manga is gonna be cancelled & the anime adaption isn’t gonna come out now:(( fuck the writer man. disgusting shit i hope he rots in hell<3
ladies and gentlemen, this is what grooming looks like LMAO i feel bad for what the seme went through as a kid, but still doesn’t give him an excuse to be a snake to the uke and to his mom. :))