I love how we're all still here, years after, already grew up, and still trying our hardest to fucking understand this story hahahahaha
What a love and hate relationship we all got for this manga. Read this when I was in junior high, went on and off reading cuz the updates take too long, now I'm graduating in college. Guess we're all stuck here huh, let's all bitterly wait for their happy ending lol

I love how this story does not deviate from its main story. At the end of all those political wars, she's still all about going back to her store and giving joy to her little friends. Gurl that's so soft it touches my heart. It's all just *chefs kiss
Unlike some of the stories I follow which I initially loved but then all them random characters start poppin in and suddenly becomes more relevant than the main plot, and now it has like 101+ chapters without having significant progress of THE MAIN STORY, just continued adding side quests here and there.
Those type of tropes reallyyyyyyy disappoints me.

I get the hate on Theo butttttt our girl Pereshati is also not being her brightest self these past chapters smh
I mean tbh right now? She's literally being a pushover in front of that sadgurl Harari and it's getting on my nerves.
Also that Harari bish is arrogant and rude but Pereshati was also pushing it way too much! Does she wanna be a hero or sumthin? Cuz that bltch ain't budging, SHE DOES NOT GIVE A DAM ABOUT CELPHI IF THAT WASN'T CLEAR ENOUGH FOR YOU PERESHATI.
And after literally getting shoved in the rain, all you have to think about is "I wonder how Harari is doing?" LIKE SERIOUSLY????
I therefore declare 004 as Anger. Lmao