Be a sweetie and release the Damn chapters atleast the sex lart, later is irrelevant my dear.

Is it some kind of a joke ? (This is a real issue...). At first sight I thought it was really improper to the author. While I prefer "this" or "that" happens, I respect how the author desires to write her story. In addition, I think her work is more and more subtile over time - specifically, her work, progressively, is a wonderful mirror of her own evolvement

Woah It's not like you're giving credits to the author by buying their manga so, you need to chill down. I respect their work regardless, that's just my impulsive comment why does it bother you chica relax. Ive seen her work in lily love it wasn't such a drag like this one however, it's unappealing mixing up two stories in one manga yet I do agree on the subtle point. You're right it's cute author better have some sexy stuff in upcoming chapters, should be worth the wait like moonlight gardens.

Although rn sumin is happy with her girlfriend ( lol forgot that blondie name SIGH it's been very long time since the manga got sn update so whatever) I believe writers giving us the past story so seju gets a closure from sumin for good, hopefully seju finds herself again. Honestly, the turmoil within me is built up to burst out on authors for 1. Taking way too time to update 2. This story should end with sumin&seju, they're ruining it by extending smh
My heart needs a fluffy romance already, enough of the bondage shit.
Lol facts
if you can't handle it, you might as well go back to reading citrus XD
I mean Citrus is real life scenario
If you want to read a fluffy cis romance I recommend The Lady and Her Butler.