FuzzyAnimalLady September 23, 2018 10:21 am

i wonder how it will play out from here? will he take the job even tho she's there? will she fuck up him and sooha's relationship? will she get him fired again? so many things could possibly happen (▰˘◡˘▰)

FuzzyAnimalLady September 16, 2018 10:57 pm

genuinly proper massively gasped at the end of that chapter like my god the shit may hit the fan in the next one.

    Okarisu September 19, 2018 7:48 pm

    Unfortunately the next chapter is a flashback chapter. :(

FuzzyAnimalLady September 9, 2018 7:19 pm

i know, i know this was bound to happen, and i know, i know it was very predictable. but y'know, "what if" Alex just didn't noticed how much he got used to DG, "What If" Alex saw DG with someone else (probably just friends) and ignored him? Yep there probably would be much less to draw them back to eachother. but, what would be a good twist, was if DG started dating Jiwon's previous crush. And Jiwon saw them together. BOOM, alternate ending that's much less predicatable.

Of course i don't hate how the last chapter went but still, DG with Jiwon's ex? now that's some good juicy traumatic shit

FuzzyAnimalLady September 9, 2018 6:41 pm

the fact that Mo was shaking in every other panel.

The realisation that if Mo and He Tian get together, He Tian might actually be quite controlling. Not to mention the fact that when he told Mo not to be too loud and put his hand on Mo's neck like that, Mo actually became quiet and more submissive.

I think Mo is definitely scared of He Tian, he can't read He Tian's movements and tho he is still a feisty boy, He Tian can make him submissive.

No doubt about it Mo will probably fight and struggle to get He Tian off him in next chapter but can we just pay attention to the fact that He Tian is essentially Taming Mo and the relationship that they have, is not a nice one.

I dunno this all just kinda struck me a lot harder this chapter than it did with some of the others.

    Twitty September 9, 2018 7:27 pm

    I always wondered about that happening...

    FuzzyAnimalLady September 9, 2018 8:00 pm
    I always wondered about that happening... Twitty

    i mean wouldn't put it as far as saying it's an abusive relationship but like, it's definitely a rocky one. Mo is trying so hard to be tough and strong, but he's just kind of compensating for trauma from when was a kid really. But He Tian? he genuinely tough and strong and boy oh boy does he got some problems.

    I feel like the future couples, Jian Yi and Zan XiXi will be fine and happy and an adorable healthy couple. But Mo and He Tian, it may end up being a "I love him even though he hurts me" kind of thing. Though i also feel like Mo could never Love He Tian. Mo might be on friendly terms like he is now but i think he's still intimidated and scared.

    Anyways i'm interested to see what happens.

    popcornvv September 10, 2018 4:13 pm

    lmao i think ur getting this wrong mo was just shaking under the weight and because he doesnt want to see he tian naked (but we all know that that's not true huehue)

    FuzzyAnimalLady September 12, 2018 12:39 pm
    lmao i think ur getting this wrong mo was just shaking under the weight and because he doesnt want to see he tian naked (but we all know that that's not true huehue) popcornvv

    yep you're probably right! ^^; i just tend to overthink and my theories get a bit too imaginative some times :) everything i said was just my initial thoughts but now seeing everyone elses replies and comments on the chapter it's self i kinda realised i was reading into it alot.

    but hey, it's fun and interesting to think about all the different interactions they could have right? :D

FuzzyAnimalLady August 25, 2018 12:44 am

(warning this is a bit long ^^;)
now we have no clue what her dad was like before he was hospitalised. He could've been a loving dad or he could've been a shitty dad that didn't pay her much attention. Considering the way she acts i'm gonna assume her parents or whoever else raised her weren't necessarily nice people all the time.

When she was telling her dad to just die, it makes sense cause she couldn't really afford to take care of him and obviously it had gotten to the point where he was a hindrance.

now the reason i kind of get her is cause, my grandad was a dick head, when he was younger he used to hit my Nanna. He was a really bad dad to my mum and my aunts and uncles when they were all young. Now when i was younger i didn't know any of this and I loved my Grandad. but as i got older i noticed more of his flaws, he made my mum run around after him so much when he was alive, granted he had a lot of health problems and was overweight but he had carers lookin after him as well as my aunts going to visit him every week.
Anyway, He called our house phone one day asking for mum and i picked up. The amount of horrible ungrateful things he said just disgusted me. My mum had two jobs, looked after me, my sister, she always cleaned and cooked and she had to look after him. She was so exhausted and he didn't make her life any easier. He said a lot of mean things to me during that phone call to the point i had to hang up. From then i stopped loving him. I hoped that he would die just to make mum's life easier, so that she wouldn't be as stressed and when he did die, i didn't cry, i wasn't sad. i didn't really feel anything. But my mum and my aunts they all cried, despite ho horrible he was he was still their dad and i guess they still loved him.

FuzzyAnimalLady August 18, 2018 11:47 pm

XD my boyfriend just avoids me when i'm on, he just sits on his computer whilst i sit on the sofa reading or drawing and he occasionally asks if i need food or drink. or sometimes i ask for a hug and he'll just lay there and let me sleep on him.

he's usually quite loud and energetic but when i'm on my period, hoo boy does he become submissive XD

FuzzyAnimalLady August 9, 2018 1:58 am

pretty sure sangwoos thought process might of been something like.

"You give me your car, i'll give you yoon bum"

but then who really knows for sure? at any rate i'm hoping -someone- specifically -bum's present- will die next chapter

FuzzyAnimalLady July 21, 2018 5:50 pm

i dunno even though that guy was so mean i still think that he's a closet gay. i mean i dunno just my gut tells me that.

And i kinda want him to come back like say when they're all adults and he's just struggling with who he is whilst the main couple is happy and fine and Haebom helps out his bully. or something. Can someone please make a fanfic of season 1's main bully being a closet case

FuzzyAnimalLady July 12, 2018 12:25 pm

well that escalated quickly...

FuzzyAnimalLady June 14, 2018 12:25 pm

Jiwon is a two faced sexually abusive hot guy and DG is an insecure closeted slow minded guy with an obsession of sorts.

Ignoring our second couple and focusing on the MC's i think this counts as a typical yaoi story and characters. So we should all just happily accept the "Abuse=Love" tag that most yaoi have in them and carry on with our days :3

Side Note:
As toxic as Jiwon and DG's relationship is, i still love them

(also, i have now read so much toxic and abusive yaoi, that it's just normal for me now. Like why argue?)

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