Oh such a long wait and a short chapter... no fair
You only sat on your arse while you waited for the mangaka, magazine pubishers, and scanlator to do all the work for you and then you still got it for free without one whit of gratitude... no fair
not the fault of the scan group...thy didnt cut pages -.-...
You should be thankful they shared the chapter just cause someone asked nicely.
whining like this will just make it worse
I like how you thumped me down (which I didnt do to you) for pointing out your complaining and your lack of gratitude in your OP and then trying to throw it back on me to make yourself look better. At least you finally thanked somebody... after being prompted by me.
I am so glad to hear that the story is gonna continue. I was so heartbroken when i had heard about the sued issue. This is my favorite manga and i am so glad jzt to wait knowing that it is going to be updated. Thank U Sensei for holding strong and continuing this manga.
And Thank U for this WonderFul news -LUNA
i think so this is the end because in you tube up to that much only
any link to prove this? pleasssse