Iifany2344's feed

Every time I see this man’s face, I get angry because he’s not only selfish, he lacks the stability the fragile other requires, if not just being by their side because that now is too little

This man himself knows that he should’ve just let her go but he couldn’t deal with the guilt and chased after her, throwing a tantrum with no right to do so, and of course, being impulsive

He has not only ENDANGERED Lily multiple times on top of neglect, which despite not being in a right mind, he is also using this to BLAME himself, which is his unhealthy coping mechanism to avoid the problem that needs to be brought. “Oh but they’re both ‘broken’ and both sides aren’t hearing each other out” no, because one side (Theo) pushed the other (Lily) despite the fact that the Lily is looking for something in Theo that she never got from a public cynical clownshow (if you still didn’t get the fact that I’m referring to her adoptive family, or more specifically, Owen, I’m shooting myself) that dared to give her even a second of hurt. Despite the fact that Lily was pushed away first, so both side started doing it right after. It works both ways. Why would you bother to hear someone that pushed you away too many times?

His being unable to communicate even in the bare minimum has managed to throw everything upside down, and even if he could say, ‘oh but I knew yet still chose to deliberately stay away from you despite knowing mainly because I’m hurt and I simply can’t stand seeing you without my trauma giving me whiplash’ and regret it, it doesn’t excuse his behavior. Please learn communication skills <3

Ahdfwpdh I’m about to just start squishing both Lily and Theo’s cheeks like a stressball, I have no words

I love both Theo and Lily but damn Theo needs to stop running away three seconds right after chasing Lily who ran away, especially due to the fact that he kept pushing her away which lead to these situations because it’s literally another cycle.. like?? STOP PLAYING.. dhdhfjfjffjfsiegeududdhxh

(Side note but like a huge chunk of my comment got deleted and I lost my braincells right after, so have my thoughts and randomness that came right after