Iifany2344 created a topic of Pitter-Patter


Babes if you’re gonna do all that, atleast flush the toilet, triggering af </3

Anyway, stomaching that is definitely uh, not safe, queens, p.s, don’t try this irl <3

Please clean your ass thoroughly because that is a really sure fire way of getting a disease

Iifany2344 created a topic of Control Time

These notes bruh, I pray for author n artist’s sense of humor because I don’t think there was a single moment I laughed out of comedy..???

Iifany2344 created a topic of Bound By Desire



Girl bye, I hate the men in here if we don’t include the fact that the women are also weird af. Babes what…? You may have him working as a ‘dog’ but like I guess we have two different meanings of dog ig..

These parents like a condescending male that deserves no place in society?? Ew, the fl is real for that but she’s not giving real for her icky behavior with ml over here

Every time I see this man’s face, I get angry because he’s not only selfish, he lacks the stability the fragile other requires, if not just being by their side because that now is too little

This man himself knows that he should’ve just let her go but he couldn’t deal with the guilt and chased after her, throwing a tantrum with no right to do so, and of course, being impulsive

He has not only ENDANGERED Lily multiple times on top of neglect, which despite not being in a right mind, he is also using this to BLAME himself, which is his unhealthy coping mechanism to avoid the problem that needs to be brought. “Oh but they’re both ‘broken’ and both sides aren’t hearing each other out” no, because one side (Theo) pushed the other (Lily) despite the fact that the Lily is looking for something in Theo that she never got from a public cynical clownshow (if you still didn’t get the fact that I’m referring to her adoptive family, or more specifically, Owen, I’m shooting myself) that dared to give her even a second of hurt. Despite the fact that Lily was pushed away first, so both side started doing it right after. It works both ways. Why would you bother to hear someone that pushed you away too many times?

His being unable to communicate even in the bare minimum has managed to throw everything upside down, and even if he could say, ‘oh but I knew yet still chose to deliberately stay away from you despite knowing mainly because I’m hurt and I simply can’t stand seeing you without my trauma giving me whiplash’ and regret it, it doesn’t excuse his behavior. Please learn communication skills <3

Ahdfwpdh I’m about to just start squishing both Lily and Theo’s cheeks like a stressball, I have no words

I love both Theo and Lily but damn Theo needs to stop running away three seconds right after chasing Lily who ran away, especially due to the fact that he kept pushing her away which lead to these situations because it’s literally another cycle.. like?? STOP PLAYING.. dhdhfjfjffjfsiegeududdhxh

(Side note but like a huge chunk of my comment got deleted and I lost my braincells right after, so have my thoughts and randomness that came right after

Babes please just skip these incoming chapters if incest (even if it’s roleplaying) is something you can’t stomach, I was GAGGED seeing that and it was NOT giving

Iifany2344 created a topic of I’m going to kill you

Is that like the best way to say I explicitly won’t show you lightsaber dick so you can view this..?? It’s lowkey weird to say for ages 15 when you’re just hiding out parts of genitals, not so much the sperm and everything else

I’m sold from the cover, turning off my brain because Lingerie Thicc got me

Girlie why’d you take it face value for a straight something amount of years (irrelevant because a year and ten looks the same to me, people change as fast) when he said that as a child…

Girlie he’s literally confessing to you and sure you get the whiplash because you wanna stay as it is with him following you like a dog despite the fact you know he likes you (which is one of the worst ways to fuck someone’s life up), you also ended up liking him back but proceed to HOLD ONTO SOMETHING HE SAID AS A CHILD OMG….

Lowkey making me trip out, atleast girlie should get a reality check slap in the face rn because the smut is gonna be dry when that plot hits harder if he comes back running around and catering to her when he should be the one to push away right now and have space despite being reciprocated in one of the most horrifying ways possible (which unfortunately happens all the time, atleast the running to them back part)

I like this so much and the anticipation of using the 1st dick is really high. I'm disappointed she was not as eager as the audience (us). She's not a monster fucker by nature hahahaha.

Anyway, I'm too sad about the Suin race's situation. Jin Han really ingrained all those things from experience and he's not complaining or feeling bad about it anymore, it all became too normal for him. It really icked me when he called Seona "master". I knew she didn't really care about Suin's situation, but I hope she learned and studied about them even just a tiny bit after she started living with one. Maybe she would have told him not to call her master and opted for other names. Especially since she's the one providing for them, it's really not sexy at all. The power imbalance is high.

Anyway, the Suin's situation is all too similar to the slavery Black people suffered from—if you're not familiar with it, white people thoroughly enjoyed, sought after, and lusted for the body, strength, and "exoticness" of Black people. They were exploited, tortured, and enslaved in sexual forms, too, and whites even ate Black people, literally. Also, people eat snakes and dogs, so theoretically, in this universe, maybe the non-hybrid eat Suin people, too. Perversion comes in many forms and shades. It's Black History Month so the coincidence of learning about this manhwa is astounding. (Disclaimer, I'm not at all saying Black people are like hybrid of animals and humans. I want to say this before anyone even thinks of it.)

Iifany2344 created a topic of In the Dreaming Hours

Bitch r these ghosts still evil or what

Iifany2344 created a topic of Unsleep

Uncensored dick chapters jumpscare

Anyway, when exactly did he jump on top, that’s what I’m wondering too

Iifany2344 created a topic of Back With a Vengeance

Lowkey the thickness of his dick is realistic..

Iifany2344 created a topic of A May Wedding

Fuck all of them and run May, this is not cutesy to be treated in bed like that despite it being good

Lowkey um.. I can’t say much about ML because people r people.. but he pissed me off so I need to atleast get a fist in despite him being more of a green flag than red

Now girl, this lady is something else

I know you’re two faced and ermmm…. she’s your maid and all..!! and um, when dealing with others to gain an upper hand, you do have to exploit their weakness, but damn girl, May is lowkey a girl’s girl, just a bit hypocritical but you’re not after all that shit on about selling May as a threat

Wish homegirl a good life which she probably will knowing this morally red green flag, I just need to get a couple hits on his face real quick

Iifany2344 created a topic of Merry Psycho

Agent my ass you bitch, hurry up and scurry along and don’t let my girlie stay chasing after your sorry ass

Anyway… omg lowkey the plot in this is so immaculate, PLEASE DONT FLOP and update RN..

Iifany2344 created a topic of The Succubus Dream

Man, what the fuck

This womanizer deserved every second, bitch eat absolute ass

I just hate the fact that she can’t peacefully pass on, like girl your tears are wasted on this clown

Iifany2344 created a topic of Thy Will Be Done

If god came to your doorstep what would you do

This particular one said fuck god only for it to be taken literally

Iifany2344 created a topic of Control Time

This bitch, I wanna punch him and hug him, already too fucked rn just restart back to the beginning