I genuinely think she is actually quite pretty, its just that she had lived in a very sickass environment, always covered in bruises and compared to her beautiful sister...these mase her believed that she must look extremely horrible
I genuinely think she is actually quite pretty, its just that she had lived in a very sickass environment, always covered in bruises and compared to her beautiful sister...these mase her believed that she must ... chottomattey
oh yeah i also think she’s very pretty but i’ve noticed the way she’s being drawn we can see more of her kinda symbolic of her slowly maybe feeling more confident? if that makes sense i love her sm wish i could manifest in front her to tell her how pretty she is
I genuinely think she is actually quite pretty, its just that she had lived in a very sickass environment, always covered in bruises and compared to her beautiful sister...these mase her believed that she must ... chottomattey
I AGREEEEEE she was never ugly to begin with and it was her environment that made her think so (not being fed properly, constantly being beaten) I love how the more she's in a condition where she's well taken care of, the more we see her beauty and glow. love that for her really
yall what plot the story ended 25 chapters in what