I hate practically everyone here except our MC he is okay and a normal week guy but oh gosh, they just fucking keep going on my nerves. Just please fuckin die. Da fuck? That judging bullshit.... If the captain had a painful background, should he tell him yeah it's your own fault or choice? Dafuq?? What in Jesus lords pants? I mean Ja I kinda wanted to be bullied and then see how my mom dies in front of my own eyes and then abruptly be trained by u without a single fuckin nap to suck everything in? I sware I would hated that dude so much I would turn in one of that villains there, what they put the MC through. I would be a fuckin psychopath because of them.... Oh my fuckin

They never said the bullying or his mother’s death was his fault, and they never ridiculed him for it. All they’re doing is pushing him to get out of his shell and to do better for himself because if they didn’t do that, he would’ve died a painful death from the gun in his heart. The only thing they ridiculed his for is using his illness as an excuse to be lazy and never do anything. Yes, they pushed him to train, but they never forced him, they told him it was his choice. He either had to go through intense training or die. They basically saved his life and treated him like family.

Hmm, but he grew up believing in his heart illness and I don't think it was his choice to have week build or an illness. I mean they just throw him around :/ and mostly they could use their mouth to tell him things and not to directly beat the shit outta him. That rampage was in my opinion thou xD please don't take it to heart. Haha it's just how I saw things :3. I still don't think that they have should just throw him in training that could be different I.. Either they character are meh or I don't understand the story line that good xD could be the last one haha

Okay that's not greate still I think they're just too much. It just could be different I think. They could explain and tell him more. I just didn't like their attitude much that's it as for our MC. Good he's that lazy bumb but here is his character development interesting. I hope he will be a great mc

Do ya all now how excited I am if I see a chapter up? I love this piece of god like art of an another level I tell ya. It's so sad that the author is ill and can't update like others but I still love to wait wor such an amazing lovable piece of work. I love this complex story and how it is written. I can't to seem find people who knows of this. Ohh man I love this ╥﹏╥

Her is my opinion of it:
It's incredibly interesting and since solo leveling I'm in love with this type of gerne. So first I want to say a bit of criticism:
In my opinion the pacing is kinda too fast, a bit slowed down would it make it even better and the emotion would be better to get, in specifically the told story's of the previous lives that tells us something as in example with that commander with his family. I kinda would like it more, if we could sink in his story more to feel his pain and hatred. I hope this kinda lecture wouldn't be the last, as it's interesting that he gains power through thouse story's and the previous lives. I wanna see him go from the absolute loser to his prime and I would take a lot of chapters for that to see his development. Now that I, the pacing in my opinion is way too fast. I really think the emotions is there but with the pacing slower it would be even better. We could put eh feelings more in it and feel it better. It's just my opinion thou

Oooookay I'm totally hooked with this one. First the story. Totally interesting and worthwhile reading each chapter made me interested of next happening. The story's progression is actually pretty nice and good. I want to see him how he's going to be stronger and what's actually happend. This art style is clean and donamic as it suits it very much. As well as I love our MC, he has a temper but is reasonable and not stupid or naiv. I really like it very much. That's Moro is nice too xD. I love it already although it only has 21 chapters. I hope it won't take long till the next update. Ughhh I love such stories (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

Yeah I know yechan trespass his boundaries and all but holy. I can't hate him he's such a fluff bear and soo cute. That's probably the reason why ham is actually mad at him, while he goes beyond comfort lines. Ughh I wish I had a friend like that yechan flower . I just melt every single chapter of cuteness like cotton candy . This is so far one of my favorites ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
I think you shouldn't lie at the beginning of every relationship, either don't say it or don't lie. I like to play more with open cards, as he said every lie will be discovered one day. He dug his own grave but I can't hate him. I mean he did something that he isn't proud of himself but he didn't the worst withngs that humans normally do. In comparison it's cute already or I just read some real fucked up shit, that my thinking is just broken (⊙…⊙ )
I think he should make him wait a bit longer but not too long as he is hurting as well now. He did learn his lesson for his future. But damn my heart is hurting from this ╥﹏╥