Ngl I fuggin hate Heeon, and idky people like him??
Like his character really isn't that good, it's like because he was an attractive seme, (don't get me wrong i fuggin love this mangakanhsnjsjs) but like, he was this character with a trash personality, and now all the sudden he's all cute??
And also like he treated the chonk boi like shit in the beginning but that's fine?
Tbh, I get it, most people are shallow
But I hate shallow tendencies and I jus' don't find this forgivable when Aerak literally had this sweet chili pepper of a boi absolutely POURING his heart out for him, jus' to get absolutely cucked
AND to top it all off, he cheats, which yes I know relationships can be repaired from that (whether they should be or not)
But all the characters kinda jus' brushed it off all cutely and were like la dee da daa in fairy land like WHy is this happening!(/TДT)/ (/TДT)/ (/TДT)/

I really hated him he didn’t even look back on his actions he left apeak mentally scarred and he never apologized I don’t think I’d ever be able to forgive someone for doing that to me he’s also still not a good person like who cheats to see if their partner will be jealous any normal person would be and I get that apeak doesn’t show a lot of emotion and he’s cool but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have feelings he’s a human being apeak deserves someone way better.

I love this manga so much but it just seeeemss-
The further I get into it the more it kinda annoys me how Ingyu gets more and more girly-
Like yes precious boi but this seems more like a shoujo than a yaoi or smthn
And idk I feel like so bad for him about his family but I feel like that was put together kindaa sloppy

Ugh oh god I love this so much I'm crying this is so good
But really, honestly, fantastic manhwa
And I get that people are like "aah they should stay apart" but really stuff like this DOES happen in relationships and I think it's kind of a poetic tragedy to this which is why I love it so much.
I do not think Jinwoo does not love Candy, I think he absolutely does but things like these happen, of course you're going to be all passionate and lovey in the beginning but after a while an relationship always experiences this kind of falter, especially a long running one.
So to the people saying it's unrealistic I think it's absolutely untrue. Sad but true, I think it's something that absolutely happens, a lack of interest. It's not uncommon, and in the end that really does test the strength of a relationship.
But this really showed Jinwoo his mistakes of his actions and there was just such a beautiful somberness to the relationship and I just think that was perfectly done. They weren't the perfect couple. There always might be that slight "weak link" counterpart, but he loves him nonetheless. I think something such as this is very interesting and was very beautifully portrayed in this manhwa.
It wasn't all happy endings. It was filled with sorrow and pain, but they still love each other, and the work element added was very realistic in that kind of way where couple can easily drift apart. I just think it had a lot of sad but true real world elements and all blended together beautifully in the end. Hence, the name "This Ending".
So in conclusion I just think this was perfectly set and done for what it was.
Everything quite honestly, to the art, the pacing, the confusing twists and turns in the timelines and still lingering feelings.
Really beautiful manhwa, in short. :))

I'm not gonna lie I really kinda just want Yujin with the Doc now coz he the only man who hasn't fucked this kid over. Like ye don't get me wrong, when he started fucking that other guy I was like oh naw this bitch. :^) But after it opened up the story more YUJIN IS GETTING WAY TOO MUCH FRIGGIN' HATE PWP He was raped and abused by muLtiPLe PeOpLe, I mean yeah he's a slut for a reASON QAQ And shortie oof triggered me but I hope he fixes his mistakes.. Honestly I'm glad this story is unpredictable but jeebus omyword :')

Am I the only one who is kindaa thinkin' the MC is a bit of a brat? Like I totally get wanting to be alone and get why but still.. he's a little bit too selfish for my taste. But I do hope he gets better if he develops something for that black haired boi. Q-Q Also friggin' love the couple they're so gREAT. T T
Does it need to be translated? if not I could just upload scenes I think. I have money in case I need to buy the manga too.