i have to microdose the annoyance every 10 days to keep sane.... waiting and reading it all at once would push me over the edge into insanity I'm sure kuraiamaya
LOLL this too, I think if I would be reading this all at once I would have to make a circle around my house every chapter so I can ease my emotions
y'all saying jaekyung doing better. I would say he even doing it worse. he literally know Dan syndromes but he still didn't refuse sex, he use Dan grandma to manipulate him or some shit. man I don't know author edges us
Right?? he's just re enforcing the idea that he only wants him for his body. Like he can't not be horny for one night??? Manny
real. he's just a dickhead but people will still defend him because he literally said something that's bare minimum and call it a changing arc or soemthign
ts is fire I wanted to see at least one more chapter when mc is healthy and happy living with him but ig this can do