*clears threat
I'm not trying to start drama, but with all concern and curiously at my will....

He's a self proclaimed gay heterophobe who has started some drama on this site. Not to be rude, but at this point, everyone is tired of seeing his name or the mess that comes along with it, so lets not get into any details. Just leave him alone and try to ignore any drama


He is a fag who hasn t been fucked in a while thats why hes throwing tantrums

hes a tsundere ukeლ(´ڡ`ლ)

''Its not like I want you to penetrate me hard or anything...no Sh-Shut the fu-fuck u-up baka!!''

I generally see people on this site who disregard yaoi, and the idea of gay relationships on here. Why are you on this site in the first place, and why are you choosing here, of all places, just to get attacked with fangirls on there own opinions about the topic. There is a difference between homophobics and someone generally disliking a idea or action. If you don't like it, you would be subconsciously avoiding it, or by fact generally not be even on this site. And there are people, who like to discuss a characters actions and dislike them, not becuause there gay, but there bad in general. Then there are people justifying a persons personality because their gay. There are people who like fetishing in yaoi, and other fandoms that include, people screaming absurd comments, but we have no benefit way to stop that, but simply ignore it. Many people also justify ones characters actions, for example, because there gay, or attractive( like killing stalking, for some similarities, but I'm a big fan of the story and some of the content the author provides HAS to do with the story plot) You shouldn't diss people who generally take pride in liking gay relationships, neither should you fetish over them, and for those who think it's only towards gay relationships, (I am stating you shouldn't stereotype people for only fetishing gay people who read yaoi work) there are simply wrong. Yes, many people do over look the fact of rape, and other types of genders of topics, and yes, some people who fetish them. But I like to put out, there's a difference between. Oh I like them, I ship them, OH MY GOD I SHIP THIS, YES YES I LOVE THESE TWO, HOLY FUCK I NEED THIS, SHEHJDJDJS, and then people who are like I NEED THEM IN MYASS, DADYD BETTER FUCK ME, OH MY GOOD STICK THAT IN ME. Please see the difference, because this is highly misunderstood. There are major fangirls, and then those who fetish things are NOT called fangirls. There are so many ways we can interpret this, and many of you would have different opinions. In conclusion, all I have to say is don't stereotype people who generally like reading yaoi, V.S people who festish them, becuase there is a difference.

Ya if you bash them u'll be basically feeding the trolls. Arguing with them is mostly positive feedback for them to continue being assholes. Ur opinion is lit tho. Ure right about us all being different enough that there is no stereotype that does us justice. We might read yaoi but some ppl are in it for the cute stuff, some are in it for the really morbid stuff, and others read anything. At this point, however, I don't think they really care about that. They might not even be truly homophobic or anything of the sort. They're just trolls who want others to argue with them.

I think they are trying to justify their guilty pleasure by giving out those shitty awareness. Not bashing on vegans (I like vegan food), but it's similar to some annoying activist vegan bitching about killing livestocks to a fucking meat lover.
I agree that this is a yaoi site where people who enjoy them gather here. This is not a fucking anti-yaoi or hate community so what do they expect? You want us fujoshi to agree and add some more pepper??? For fucks sake these people. They think they could change us but this isn't the place to do so.
It's pointless and we cannot really stop them. They said don't feed the troll, but sometimes they need to learn a lesson and grow out.

I understand why you would generalized anonymous as troll but remember that some account holders also put out those hate statement. You are basically stereotyping. We might be anonymous but even those with account holder can shitposting as anonymous.

I couldnt have said it better them myself. People like things(this still doesn't justifies fetishing if), it's normal, we do it everyday. To objects, things, and humans even.(BFF, friends, lovers, etc) Even if I gave out a inspirational speech, I still wouldn't be able to fulfill everyone to not bash eachother. There is so much hate in this world, as much as love. At the end, it's the deceisons you make at the end to look at. I don't care if you trans, gay, lesbian, white, Mexican, black, Muslim, straight, bisexual, pay sexual, asexual, or anything because it's a choice you make, and why should I care. It's not like it's gonna kill me that you like soemthing I don't." OH MY GOD LOOK, YOU SHIPS THIS GAY PEOPLE, (Or bisexual, lesbian, straight) SHE MUST FETISH OVER THEM, EW, DISGUSTING, FAGGOT, MUST BE GAY,"

Ok, nice reference and I like your reasoning also, yes it's similar, such as a vegan saying to a meat lover, "HOW COULD EAT THIS" it's exactly the same as people who generally do not like yaoi, have it shoved in there face. But face the fact, because of those specific people, and there personality, and mentality that inflicted some kind of argument between vegans AND meat lovers, inflicted such a sterotype that all vegans are crazy vegan freaks. Such as people would assume I'm a "fujshio" is that how you say it? Ya, that word for people who fetish gay people, by posting a argument between people who enjoy the content, and those who faiths over it, the point of the comment wasn't to earn any likes, or people to agree, like I said before I never cared about if someone had a different opinion. I posted it to aware a difference, and like you said, even if they are "trolls" at least inflicting a reasonable argument which would simply have a slip of hope for a difference of someone's mentality, but thank you for your opinion,

Some with accounts also like to troll. Like asking for 'opinions' when they only want to bash people and calling them sick for liking certain genres. You can see from the comments below. It's not you, rest assure

That isn't ok, I myself, when I barely start arguements like this, I want them to be reasonable, and look at both parties. You don't like yaoi, awesome, enjoy some fluff with straight relationships, you don't gay but lesibians, over there are some yuri comics, you don't like anything here to with sexuality or comics, might I suggest some art apps to past time, or a new anime I came across a week ago. Your entitled to your own opinion,a he like a again, it, doesn't. Justify, your reasoning.

That isn't ok, I myself, when I barely start arguements like this, I want them to be reasonable, and look at both parties. You don't like yaoi, awesome, enjoy some fluff with straight relationships, you don't gay but lesibians, over there are some yuri comics, you don't like anything here to with sexuality or comics, might I suggest some art apps to past time, or a new anime I came across a week ago. Your entitled to your own opinion, as like before, it. doesn't. Justify, your reasoning.

Yes, i agree. But some people don't see that and they being very vocal about. They specifically target certain types of genres to show that they are 'morally superior' compared to people who like that type of genre. It's very common in this website

And that is soemthing I'm confused about. These are the reasons I thought they do this
Are they homphobics
Do they hate people who like it, and think they fetish it
Do they want to bully people
Do they want fights
I'm simply tired of the conversation of debating on people who fetish it, and quite honeslty, it has lowered to specific people who do it. Just give a break, these people won't change there minds, when your debating sometimes you have to realize your talking to a brick wall.

I call em anons but I don't mean all anonymous. What I'm really referring to is the trolls that use anonymous accounts. I apologize if it seemed like I was grouping you all together. I just thought it was implied that people knew what I meant by "anons". I'll try my best to be more specific in the future. Will probs address them simply as "trolls"

I believe that those who think they are 'morally superior' are simply bullies. They sit on their comfortable couch, hiding behind their screen. I doubt they spend any time or money to actually help people in real life who face real life issue.
I wanted to say to everyone to do anything that feels right to you tonight. There shouldn’t be any pressure on you to be happy because today’s New year. You can treat it like any other day if you want! Stay healthy and have a wonderful new year!!(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Happy 2019 to you as well!