Oh wow i didnt expect that the fact that the merman is actually releasing him by leaving kiyo for 59 years. It kinda bugged me at first, something like “if you love him why you make him suffering those 59 years searching for a way to die”. I didnt realise he just simply thought kiyo will find someone new to love and then die, basically releasing kiyo from the curse of immortality

Only in ch 39 but i really hate how this supposed tobe very smart, brave, and bold lawyer just let a mafia leader, the one he should know behind the sniper attack he just involved to several days ago, keep him for a week in the mansion without phone and just didnt know he will announced him as heir??? Omg how naive he can be
Lmao i felt sorry to mutto since i was very suspicious of him even till the last minute i thought he will be someone evil i even thought hes in love w sirius since he said he only love star (sirius is a name of star) thank goodness hes not and be an ally till the end