MinDmg August 13, 2019 10:16 pm

My friend genuinely think she's ugly, at first I was just thinking she's seeking praises and compliments so I gave her some but that wasn't it, she's really pretty even prettier than most girls I know but she's really down for some reason and believes she's ugly from the bottom of her heart, at first I thought that it was a phase that will pass but then she started coming to class with messy hair like a bomb blew up in her head, I asked her what's up then she said that she's too ugly that she can't even bear to look at herself in the mirror, my friend used to eat a lot and I mean ALOT but now she barely eats and when we hang out she mostly sigh and seem depressed, I really wish to help her somehow so she can return to her cheerful self seeing her like that breaks my heart but nothing I say convince her at all, I don't know what to do at all, I don't know what caused her to become like this at all so please someone give me some advice on what to do... Seeing my friend hating on herself is tearing me apart

    Soulless August 13, 2019 10:35 pm

    Just read ur post and I thought i should give u some advice and i hope it'd help you with this situation. I'm a person who experienced major depression and bulimia. I used to eat alot (but i was never overweight i was like 64kg) until one day i looked in the mirror and felt pure disgust with my appearance as a female and felt way too ugly. I never told my friends about this but only my famiky knew. The best way to help your friend is to shower her with love and encourage her to do something fun with you like sleepovers or giving each other makeovers and things like that! It'd seriously help her forget these insecurities once she realizes that she is with someone who loves her for who she is not because shes ugly or pretty. I hope that was helpful :)

    minus1 August 13, 2019 11:50 pm

    I'm someone like your friend. I think, I'm not so sure.
    When I was about 12 years old I started to think I was too fat and all my facial features were not right and I was not pretty. My friends and family would tell me otherwise because (as a reasonable conclusion) they didn't want to hurt my feelings. I don't believe they are genuine but, maybe for your friend you are being genuine. Only you know that I guess.

    I started to lose interest in all social interaction and like your friend, I stopped eating, became so underweight that I lost my period and would come into school with 'bomb hair' because I was just so frazzled everytime I looked in the mirror. Except by that time I don't think anyone cared about me because I was such an outcast. I'm really really glad you care about your friend.

    Please don't just tell her to stop and that she's the opposite of what she's saying. She will trust you less and less. Ask her what's going on, and see her side. Validate her, tell her that it's okay to feel like that and that she can learn to accept herself in a healthy way. She probably doesn't need to know how beautiful you think she is in reality. She needs to know how much you care for her even if you thought she was ugly. Don't let on like you're trying to change her mindset either, I think that might make her a little bit wary of you also.

    I think it's hard from your perspective. People like this, like me, can be fragile, because they think they are worthless without a perfect appearance. It's still important to let them know that they have a personality and that's something that is much more rewarding to have and to improve.

    Sorry for the long reply. I just read this and I felt like instantly I really related to your friend and wanted to help her.

    M.T August 14, 2019 1:02 am

    I can relate to your friend. I've been ridiculed by my parents...They would constantly remind me on how fat I was. Constantly telling "if you eat too much we're gonna have to get a crane just to get you out of the house", "I can't even be seen in public with you", the constant shaming...And my mother would bring up the topic to my other relatives and I would notice the glances and stares pointed right at me....It drove me to multiple attempts at suicide. I developed an eating disorder binge eating and then purging what I ate....
    I moved out at Eighteen as I could no longer take the shame I've received. Basically I stopped talking to my family for a while.
    Please ask her what's going on with her life. It could be either her parents or relatives that are fat shaming her. Be that friend that ask. I had a friend like that and greatful for him being my rock....Sorry, if I took a dark turn.

MinDmg March 14, 2019 7:10 pm

I noticed the site been acting up the last few days, I don't want to think about it, but is it time for it to- you know...? Or is it only a bug that they're working on fixing?

    YaoiGirl March 14, 2019 7:43 pm

    Idk if it was fixed or not on their end but I have the Chrome app and I uninstalled my updates today bc I was having problems yesterday. Now I'm not having any issues. As of yet. (▰˘◡˘▰)

    YaoiGirl March 14, 2019 8:56 pm

    Nothing I've seen has explained anything. Don't assume we've seen what you have.

    MinDmg March 14, 2019 9:24 pm

    I never asked before or seen a question about it xD sorry if I repeated the same inquiry someone else had!
    And btw it seems that it's fine now, strangely few hrs ago it didn't work correctly but now it function like how it did in the past :D

MinDmg January 25, 2019 10:47 pm

So, I've been out camping with my close friends (and their friends) the last couple of days, we first introduced ourselves on our way to the camping site (since there were many people who didn't know each other) and we had a blast even on the bus on our way there, the people were really super nice and friendly and we felt super close to each other even though it was our first meeting, all of us, except for one.
And no, we didn't single him out, he was the one who singled all the girls away from him, he was so rude, and he really went too far in some situations that I've truly been left dumbfounded! I always believed in the good of others, I never thought someone can be that shameless without feeling a tiny bit of guilt, but this trip was a one life lesson for me.
Let me break it down to pieces, firstly when we introduced ourselves, he bluntly came out and told us he's gay and open about it, I never met a gay person before (or at least someone who told me they are) so I was really fascinated! I was so happy, I really looked forward to talking with him! it was like seeing the MCs of yaoi mangas irl! But to not freak him out, I decided to lay low first then approach him as time pass.
During the trip, I started to notice stuff he did, he started soliciting girls out from the group, me included, he was double-faced! He just looked like the angel in front of the guys and he was a bully when he came to the girls! He really had the worst personality I've ever seen in my life! Nothing that people do usually affect me, but I was so taken back by him! From pushing girls away without blinking an eye to easily resolving to violence when things don't go his way and has that victim mentality whenever he does something wrong! Me and the girls endured it, since we didn't want our trip to be ruined by something like that, so we just went on with it, even our male friends were feeling something is off and awkward about it, one of my friends (male) even confronted him about why he's treating the girls like that? and he just said that he just hate girls...
That's when I blew up and actually lost all the little respect I had for him, for some reason I always thought gay people would be the least type of people to judge others depending on something like gender! Yet, he just hated us all just for simply being girls! I get that girls in yaoi are bitches most of the time, and I rarely see a good girl in a yaoi manga, but that's manga! I was just so speechless, this was my first time meeting a gay person, and I was so disappointed and hurt.
I wouldn't want to judge a group of people depending on a single person that I met, I'm not even asking to be liked or loved, just not to be hated, I felt so unfaired, I'll just wish that the next gay person that I meet would be a nice one.

I didn't want to share my feelings somewhere else and fall into misunderstandings and get interrupted as something else, so I'm vending off here... I just had my yaoi fantasy crushed, and I thought you guys would understand... sigh ... still, it was a nice trip other than that, and I had a blast in it after being locked in the house for awhile lol, it was a good change of mood ^^

    MechaCC January 25, 2019 11:29 pm

    It's fine if you share what is on your mind every once in a while in here. And totally understand how you feel cause I had a gay friend as well. Oh but, he doesn't have that bad kinda vibe to it when he is with the girls. At least not that much( ̄∇ ̄"). But from time to time, I guess they could feel jealous and ended up doing things that might hurt the girl's feeling. Well, but of course not all of them are like that. I understand that you were shocked by the behavior of that guy especially when you intended to befriend with him hoping he was a good guy. But don't worry in your case, it's just that the person you met had a seriously sucks personality, not because of his being as a gay but as a human person himself. That is all. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    MinDmg January 26, 2019 12:30 am
    It's fine if you share what is on your mind every once in a while in here. And totally understand how you feel cause I had a gay friend as well. Oh but, he doesn't have that bad kinda vibe to it when he is with... MechaCC

    Σ(  ̄□ ̄) I think it's rare to find people that rude usually, but we just drew out the short end of the stick...

    carporpar January 26, 2019 1:30 am

    He is an asshole who happens to be gay. Remember, being gay doesn't make anybody different. It is just a sexuality, so think of it as meeting an asshole who happens to be gay instead of it being the other way around.
    I think this goes without saying, but reality is different from fiction. He is a person, not a character. You said it yourself, actually, didn't you?

    I understand your fascination since you've never really met any lgbt person before, but please think of us as normal people, ok? Maybe it is easy for me since I am surrouned by lgbt people (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender), but it would be nice if you didn't think of it as a fantasy that was crushed, and simply regard it as an unpleasant trip with a misogynist (who happens to be gay). Trust me, there are many kind gay people (just like there are kind heterosexuals).

    Himiko January 26, 2019 1:43 am
    He is an asshole who happens to be gay. Remember, being gay doesn't make anybody different. It is just a sexuality, so think of it as meeting an asshole who happens to be gay instead of it being the other way a... carporpar

    Bless at your reply. I was just about to say the same thing.

    MinDmg January 26, 2019 2:00 am
    He is an asshole who happens to be gay. Remember, being gay doesn't make anybody different. It is just a sexuality, so think of it as meeting an asshole who happens to be gay instead of it being the other way a... carporpar

    I'll try to tone down the fantasies ( ̄∇ ̄")
    Reading your reply was like a pat on the back, I don't even think I'm that disappointed about it anymore (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
    I'll just brush it as rotten luck and forget about it
    ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    carporpar January 26, 2019 2:18 am
    I'll try to tone down the fantasies ( ̄∇ ̄")Reading your reply was like a pat on the back, I don't even think I'm that disappointed about it anymore (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ I'll just brush it as rotten luck and... MinDmg

    I am glad you are feeling better. I hope you meet kinder people in the future!

    MechaCC January 26, 2019 10:51 am
    Σ(  ̄□ ̄) I think it's rare to find people that rude usually, but we just drew out the short end of the stick... MinDmg

    Haha(⌒▽⌒) don't mind, don't mind...you'll find a better person to befriend within the near futureヾ(☆▽☆).

    MechaCC January 26, 2019 10:54 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! dragobonita

    ohhh...I get ya'. the curiosity to know the reason(๑•ㅂ•)و✧... the feeling of wanting to know...(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ well that's human for you.. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

MinDmg January 21, 2019 11:52 pm

Man, I'm really missing the bathroom couple, re-read it many times that I lost count and still love it (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ anything is smexy just as much?

MinDmg January 17, 2019 3:40 am

This month has been by far the unluckiest month of my life!
This chain of misfortunes began on a single day, where I went for a check up at hospital since I didn't have much of appetite for few days and it turned out that I had a cold, which is scarier than anything in my case since whenever I catch a cold I basically become the most useless being on the planet.
But oh, how lucky I was, that wasn't even the beginning of my duper month, I rested the next day and when I woke up, I got greeted with a cockroach standing in front of my face, with it's antenna thingy inspecting my nose, and as anyone would have expected I screamed my soul out before steaming out of the fking room, by chance the house keeper was ringing the bell, and I went crying to open the door and asked for her help then she killed that monster.
After calming down, I quickly went and scrapped the hell out of my face with soap, i barely prevented myself from fainting but with washing my face so hard, my nose started bleeding, and I had the longest nosebleed in my whole life!!! Not only a cold, not only woke up with a kiss from cockroach but the nosebleed was added to the mix, but nooo that wasn't the end.
I didn't sleep for three days after that, thanks to my little friend, I kept having those cockroaches nightmares whenever I fall asleep, but I slept on the forth day after a fever striked me hard taking all the energy in my body, no cockroach in the whole world was scary enough to keep me awake after that.. I slept like a corpse!
After my sleeping coma, I woke up energetic and fully had recovered from the cold, so I decided to take a walk as a refresher since I didn't get out of the house for three days, and then, I fell off the stairs... Thankfully I didn't get hurt much so I quickly stood up only to fall the rest of the stairs down, I went to the hospital again and had my dislocated shoulder fixed... Sigh...
I had to rest for few days to be more on the safe side, then my friend called me and invited me to hang out, I wanted to get out of the house so bad so I agreed easily, man at this point I didn't care even if we went to the garbage I just wanted to go out somewhere... So we went to a restaurant near by, hahahaha- ah excuse me, it's just I'm so lost at words, the waiter spilled all our food, not on the floor, but on me, yes, I went again to the hospital, thankfully it was only first degree burn so it wasn't that bad, but yeah I bet the doctors in the ER memorized my face by now.
After I got out of the hospital, terrified by the outside world, I quickly took a taxi back home... Everything in me couldn't be more broken, is what I thought back then, but I proved myself wrong again when I closed the taxi's door only to slip off face first in the middle of the street, my face was burning me with pain, the taxi driver got out and helped me up and asked me if he wanted to drive me back to the hospital and I literally just bursted into tears as I nodded to him.
When we got there, the doctors didn't even ask for my name, they knew me right away, I became their regular patient, after I got treated I went back home, and just slept like a log, I think I'll just stay inside my house for a while before exploring the outside world again ...
I'm seriously writing this here because I'm afraid to go out or invite someone to talk to, since I don't know what might happen, man, this was one hell of a month for me that I'm just laughing at what happened, thought I'll share my lucky month, that way someone at least will get a laugh out of it...

    Blacktiger January 17, 2019 4:33 am

    Geez, that sounds really rough. I hope you receive better luck this coming year during Chinese New Year (Feb. 5) even if you don’t celebrate it!

    Cap36 January 17, 2019 4:54 am

    I’m always up to chatting if you want!

    InsomniacEnigma January 17, 2019 7:20 am

    Omg that sucks! One disaster after another. Hopefully you've used up all ur bad luck and a chunk of good luck would come ur way soon :<

    MinDmg January 18, 2019 3:04 am
    Geez, that sounds really rough. I hope you receive better luck this coming year during Chinese New Year (Feb. 5) even if you don’t celebrate it! Blacktiger

    Man, I hope so too, felt like I used all my bad luck for this year, if not my lifetime

    MinDmg January 18, 2019 3:06 am
    I’m always up to chatting if you want! Cap36

    Thanks for the offer! I just prefer to stay away from people for awhile lol, just to be on the safe side

    MinDmg January 18, 2019 3:07 am
    Omg that sucks! One disaster after another. Hopefully you've used up all ur bad luck and a chunk of good luck would come ur way soon :< InsomniacEnigma

    I hope so, or else it will be time to change my name to disaster magnet altogether

    MinDmg January 18, 2019 3:08 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! BTS STOLE YO JAMZ

    Uh what?

    InsomniacEnigma January 18, 2019 8:50 am
    I hope so, or else it will be time to change my name to disaster magnet altogether MinDmg

    mmm... actually, now that you've said it. I sort of remembered this manga that reminded me of ur situation. Maybe ur possessed by a God of destruction :/

    I just wanted you to know cuz it's an interesting case

    MinDmg January 18, 2019 2:31 pm
    mmm... actually, now that you've said it. I sort of remembered this manga that reminded me of ur situation. Maybe ur possessed by a God of destruction :/http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/fukouchuu_no_shiawase/I ... InsomniacEnigma

    What I said was actually a reference to it (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    InsomniacEnigma January 18, 2019 5:44 pm
    What I said was actually a reference to it (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ MinDmg

    haha wow xD nice reference. Maybe I didn't exactly know when said cuz it has been ages, but it made me subtly remember it, so nice (≧∀≦)

    MinDmg January 19, 2019 1:42 am
    haha wow xD nice reference. Maybe I didn't exactly know when said cuz it has been ages, but it made me subtly remember it, so nice (≧∀≦) InsomniacEnigma


MinDmg January 10, 2019 1:43 am

I was so happy seeing a notification of 8 mangas being updated, and now that I checked them out, I'm literally tearing up....
4 false updates and 2 are chapters I already read before and the last two were ones I marked read yesterday...
I'm just going to go cry in the corner... My heart just got shattered to pieces... The hope I lost will never be restored... I can never be happy ever agai- ah, chocolate.

    Ash January 10, 2019 2:05 am


    AA Bear January 10, 2019 2:50 am

    Omg, poor soul XD. I try not to read all that updated that night, but it’s so tempting. This is basically what happens to me too ( ̄へ ̄)

    DubL-D January 10, 2019 4:34 am

    Hold on, chocolate!? (⊙…⊙ )
    DUDE! Please share!

MinDmg January 5, 2019 10:28 pm

I haven't felt hungry for five days now, usually when I'm working I lose track of time and sometimes go on without food for long intervals but when that happens I snap back to reality when my hunger strike ... But for the last five days I didn't feel hungry, and after two days passed I came to realize that I haven't eaten anything for two whole days, so I ate something cuz I was afraid I'll die or sth but I just brushed it off as being engrossed in my work and for the following three days I made sure to pay attention to my stomach but what's worse is that not only did I stop being hungry but I also lost my appetite ... And before I knew it three days have passed without me eating anything but strangely I feel alright ... I kept myself dehydrated and I don't find a problem drinking anything but when it comes to food ... I just don't want it anymore... So I was thinking if this is normal? Or if it's a phase that will go away eventually Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    RaeAir January 5, 2019 10:36 pm

    I don’t usually get hungry. It’s a normal thing for me. That being said I sometimes put alarms on as a reminder to eat food. Sounds weird but when I’m occupied with something or distracted there have been times where I don’t eat for an entire day. If it gets bad just put on timers or when your not busy cook up easy recipes to snack on when you remember too.

    No one January 5, 2019 10:38 pm

    If symptoms persists consult your doctor...(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    RaeAir January 5, 2019 10:39 pm
    I don’t usually get hungry. It’s a normal thing for me. That being said I sometimes put alarms on as a reminder to eat food. Sounds weird but when I’m occupied with something or distracted there have been... RaeAir

    That being said I’d actually talk to a pediatrition because a lack of appetite could be a sign that there is something wrong going on in your body.

    Psycho January 5, 2019 10:43 pm

    its normal that u dont wanna eat, if u dont eat for several days ur organism accepts it somehow. try eating things like bread and stuff(so that u wont throw up) and dont pressure urself to eat a lot. just make sure u drink water and have at least 1-2 small meals a day. if this continues u should go to a doctor.

    daifuku-san January 5, 2019 10:44 pm

    No way that that is normal! Although I'm not a doctor I'm pretty sure there's something wrong. Perhaps your body is suppressing the hunger and thirst because it thinks that you don't have food? Are you sure that you haven't had any side effects like:
    having trouble concentrating, feeling tired and sleepy or having really dark pee(sign of dehydration)? Maybe you lost your appetite because of feeling down?

    daifuku-san January 5, 2019 10:45 pm

    also if it does not get better or more normal, do consider consulting a real doctor :)

    RaeAir January 5, 2019 10:46 pm
    That being said I’d actually talk to a pediatrition because a lack of appetite could be a sign that there is something wrong going on in your body. RaeAir

    Why did I say pediatrition? Apparently I’m thinking about my none existent kids too much.

    MinDmg January 5, 2019 10:48 pm
    I don’t usually get hungry. It’s a normal thing for me. That being said I sometimes put alarms on as a reminder to eat food. Sounds weird but when I’m occupied with something or distracted there have been... RaeAir

    I tried the alarms thing before but when I'm working and it goes off then I just turn it off and continue working saying in a minute, but I never managed to stop on certain time ...

    I used to just eat when I'm really hungry regardless of time but now that I don't feel hungry that have been messed up for me

    Psycho January 5, 2019 10:48 pm
    Why did I say pediatrition? Apparently I’m thinking about my none existent kids too much. RaeAir


    MinDmg January 5, 2019 10:49 pm
    If symptoms persists consult your doctor...(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 No one

    I'll see it for three more days then go get checked up if it continues...

    MinDmg January 5, 2019 10:51 pm
    its normal that u dont wanna eat, if u dont eat for several days ur organism accepts it somehow. try eating things like bread and stuff(so that u wont throw up) and dont pressure urself to eat a lot. just make ... Psycho

    That's what I tried for the first two days (forcing myself to eat even if only a little) but eventually the food lost its taste and I don't even want it anymore...
    I'll go to a Dr if this continue thanks

    Psycho January 5, 2019 10:53 pm
    That's what I tried for the first two days (forcing myself to eat even if only a little) but eventually the food lost its taste and I don't even want it anymore...I'll go to a Dr if this continue thanks MinDmg

    if this is related to stress then maybe counselling will help. but a doctor is a must.

    MinDmg January 5, 2019 10:54 pm
    No way that that is normal! Although I'm not a doctor I'm pretty sure there's something wrong. Perhaps your body is suppressing the hunger and thirst because it thinks that you don't have food? Are you sure tha... daifuku-san

    Now thinking about it, I do feel tired despite barely doing anything i sleep around 4 hours a day but my pee color is fine xD (OMG that feels weird to say) and well I don't think I'm feeling down?

    MinDmg January 5, 2019 10:57 pm
    Why did I say pediatrition? Apparently I’m thinking about my none existent kids too much. RaeAir

    XD I was shocked you said pediatrician, I thought it's something that happens to kids or sth of that sort

    MinDmg January 5, 2019 11:01 pm
    if this is related to stress then maybe counselling will help. but a doctor is a must. Psycho

    I'll go to my doctor when I'm free, but I highly doubt it's stress I haven't been doing anything for the last couple weeks and I've just been enjoying my holiday xD rarely saw anyone too ... What's there to stress about xD

    RaeAir January 5, 2019 11:03 pm
    XD I was shocked you said pediatrician, I thought it's something that happens to kids or sth of that sort MinDmg

    It’s a doctor for babies, Hahahah. My brain had a relapse. Ignore that. I don’t know what happened there.

    Jaitzche January 5, 2019 11:07 pm
    I'll go to my doctor when I'm free, but I highly doubt it's stress I haven't been doing anything for the last couple weeks and I've just been enjoying my holiday xD rarely saw anyone too ... What's there to str... MinDmg

    Try getting more sleep a day. Lack of sleep can seriously mess up your health, mental and physical.

    Even if it's tasteless/you have no appetite- eat something. Your body literally can't work properly without nourishment and you'll end up malnourished.

    Its absolutely not normal to not feel hungry especially after a couple of days. Your body is telling you there is something wrong, listen to it.

    Psycho January 5, 2019 11:07 pm
    I'll go to my doctor when I'm free, but I highly doubt it's stress I haven't been doing anything for the last couple weeks and I've just been enjoying my holiday xD rarely saw anyone too ... What's there to str... MinDmg

    i usually eat on holidays :') (im pretty sure i gained some kilos).apparently we r the complete opposites :'). what r u doing these days? i mean, did u start a new series or smth that keeps u occupied? or maybe feel a bit off since u got nothing to do?(dont get me wrong, i dont like my routine but thats what keeps me alive) and ur sleeping habits? did u change them? (i always do). all of these might result to the lack of appetite :')

    MinDmg January 5, 2019 11:12 pm
    Try getting more sleep a day. Lack of sleep can seriously mess up your health, mental and physical. Even if it's tasteless/you have no appetite- eat something. Your body literally can't work properly without no... Jaitzche

    You scared me (⊙…⊙ ) ... I'll relax for few days and sleep more ... And I'll force myself to have at least a meal a day

    MinDmg January 5, 2019 11:20 pm
    i usually eat on holidays :') (im pretty sure i gained some kilos).apparently we r the complete opposites :'). what r u doing these days? i mean, did u start a new series or smth that keeps u occupied? or maybe... Psycho

    I think it's pretty hard not to gain weight over the holidays xD and yup I did start watching a Korean variety show called running man and been hocked on it for awhile now xD it's just too funny and it was great since everything else took a break over the holidays (my fav animes and series) ... I do admit that I find myself bored most of the time for not having anything to do, that's mostly why holidays mess up my schedule xD it's better when it's a routine but on holidays it's hard to keep a routine... I had my finals recently (two weeks ago) so that messed up all my sleeping routine since I had to stay up (pull all nighters) and wake up early to take the exams so my sleeping times aren't back on track yet

    Psycho January 5, 2019 11:32 pm
    I think it's pretty hard not to gain weight over the holidays xD and yup I did start watching a Korean variety show called running man and been hocked on it for awhile now xD it's just too funny and it was grea... MinDmg

    i feel u, im in a similar condition rn:')(except from the fact that i eat+smoke all the time cause i do nth in general :'))hmmm well uni(?) starts in a few days(at least here) so just rest a bit...i think that once u start uni everything will settle. sleep a bit more than usual and u will be fine(also try to sleep around 12, i know its difficult but thats when the brain rests(12-2))...i dont think that there is something to worry about cause ive been there myself :') holidays mess up our whole scedule and routines so just calm downヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ if you cant eat after holidays(or if u r pale and stuff) go to a doctor and see for urself....have a nice day/night and eat something now:')

MinDmg January 5, 2019 1:24 am

So I don't really remember much but here goes,
- guy moving in to new home (from the county side)
- guy greets his neighbor (which had a girl friend over then that neighbor tells the girl to get lost after she says sth rude to the guy)
- guy is virgin
- guy sees condom and thing it's candy and his neighbor teases him about it.

I believe it's yaoi but it might be shounen ai, I'm not sure who is uke and who is seme (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ but it was funny and cute please halp

MinDmg January 1, 2019 6:14 pm

Hello there! I was wondering if ya ppl know any site where I can watch yaoi in, not shounen-ai animes but yaoi ^^

    Off_Brand_Barbie January 1, 2019 6:42 pm

    Crunchy roll has junjou romanticica and sekaiichi now.
    Kiss anime has yaoi but it will be labeled shonen ai on there

    chey January 1, 2019 7:01 pm

    most bl animes are shounen ai because they can't air sex scenes on national television so if you mean actual visible visible sex scenes, you're gonna have to go to a hentai website. kissanime has bl animes but the sex scenes aren't visible, it's mostly talking, kissing, and above-the-waist visuals.

    Okaytabris January 1, 2019 10:10 pm

    Tbh there aren’t many straight up smutty gay anime out there. Only one I can think of is “sensitive pornography” (weird title but it’s the best ya got, it’s also like hot lol). Tbh since I couldn’t find any really smutty bl anime I moved to JGV’s (Japanese gay video) .

    MinDmg January 1, 2019 10:35 pm

    I already watched all of the shounen-ai animes but I was wondering about those animes with genre "yaoi" on MAL (most of them have two eps max) but I can't seem to find a website for them ... I already watched Junjou Romantica and Sekaiichi Hatsukoi (all seasons) as well as Dakaretai Otoko Ichii ni Odosarete Imasu and Doukyuusei, Hitorijime my hero, love stage, super lovers and up till I saw the yaoi list on MAL I thought those were all the yaoi(shounen-ai) animes out there :o but it seems yaoi animes aren't put in the same sites as the shounen-ai ones so I was wondering if anyone know any site .... for those "yaoi" ones

    chey January 2, 2019 12:47 am
    I already watched all of the shounen-ai animes but I was wondering about those animes with genre "yaoi" on MAL (most of them have two eps max) but I can't seem to find a website for them ... I already watched J... MinDmg

    these are ones i believe are kind of smutty:
    other than those, i don't know of any subbed bl anime that has sex scenes other than shotacon hentai and i steer clear of those tbh they're weird as fuck.

    chey January 2, 2019 12:48 am
    these are ones i believe are kind of smutty:https://kissanime.ru/Anime/Hey-Class-Presidenthttps://kissanime.ru/Anime/Ikoku-Irokoi-Romantanhttps://kissanime.ru/Anime/Kirepapahttps://kissanime.ru/Anime/Koisuru-Bo... chey

    as far as i know there isn't a "site" specifically for yaoi anime. maybe try aarin fantasy? idk.

MinDmg December 15, 2018 12:47 am

I really remember a lot of details in it, but I can't find it anywhere! Please help me!
- An idol/vlogger do a special event (looks girly and cute)
- there is a machine that mobs used to transfer their dicks to the idol/vlogger where he served them as special event or to thank them for the views/likes etc
- one of the mobs even logged with three machines one for his dick two for his hands and he had sex with the idol/vlogger
- this is the most memorable part, after serving a lot of mobs, their cum started filling the bathroom tub and one of them even commented something like "let's make fill it up with our cum" in which they really did! And the idol/vlogger even almost drowned in it...

Please please help me find it, I can't get it out of my head !!!

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