When he went and cried after raping him i thought he will say sorry then HE DARE CRY AND SAY "I DONT REGRET DOING IT WITH YOU SENPAI" AAAH I CANT JUST THIS IS DISTURBING I HATE THIS KIND OF THING EVEN IF IT TURNED MUTUAL IT STARTED WEIRDLY ENDED WEIRDLY and the uke doesn't feel like he choose to fall in love more like he was forced, I was okay watching other mangas where the rape was the start but then seme fking apologize and atone for it! but this is just sick I didn't like this at all! I thought there will be love and melo melo dovey moments but even these felt gross and wrong after that kind of rape-treatment. I'm disappointed that this same author made my favorate omegaverse manga (sayonara alpha), he/she/it overdone it with this I'm just so mad and conflicted
I love mangas like this where love just come over to the reader and make them blush like idiots while grinning
This was adorable (๑•ㅂ•)و✧