Nao, a university student who lives with his childhood otaku friend, Subaru. Upon receiving rejectio...
- Author: Shiramatsu
- Genres: Drama / Yaoi
Suzuki has been indebted to Satou since he stood up for him after a fight while Takahashi has admir...
- Author: Sachimo
- Genres: Comedy / Mature / School Life / Smut / Yaoi / One Shot
Young college student Nonohiko is faced with a dilemma: his super-cheap college dorm has been closed...
- Author: Owaru
- Genres: Comedy / Romance / Yaoi / Smut
Hitoshi Arai is just an average college student with a mediocre life. During high school, he was bul...
- Author: ASADA Nemui
- Genres: Adult / Yaoi
Good-for-nothing Momo lacks the ability to look after himself, and is the ultimate slut. Yata is the...
- Author: harada
- Genres: Yaoi / Comedy / Drama / Smut / Slice of Life
Kei, a hot transfer student from the U.S., mistakes Yuri for a girl. Even when he realizes Yuri'...
- Author: SAKUMOTO Ayu
- Genres: Romance / School Life / Yaoi
Thien lives a very interesting life being 6 foot 8. ...
- Author: zen
- Genres: Slice Of Life / Shounen Ai
My boss Kuji-san is smart and cool, and everyone admires him...but in fact he loves sex and will sle...
- Author: FUMIKAWA Jimi
- Genres: Smut / Yaoi
28 years old. Still never been with a girl. Because of his big problem, girls refuse to take their r...
- Author: KUREHA Izumi
- Genres: Smut / Yaoi
How far (or low) can an attractive body take you in a slum? Pretty and well endowed, Choi Hyungdo sc...
- Author: John
- Genres: Yaoi / Smut / Romance / Webtoons