Imagine the next time they meet satomi says yea yea the present is the tattoo removing thing and kyoji is like whatttt well I guess I have to do it and removes it and they cut contact with eachother after that. Some days later in their karaoke competition Kyoji loses again and since Satomi and Kyoji no longer have contact and since Kyoji already kept satomi's name for remembering Satomi he keeps his face and Kyoji after getting the tattoo misses Satomi and one fine day in the end of the chapter Satomi and Kyoji bumps into eachother and Satomi, not looking up at who he bumped to, sees Kyoji's tattoo on his hand and Satomi finds the face and the art style kinda similar and he looks up to see who it is then BAM he mumbles, "... Kyoji-san..?" (Sorry guys I'm delusional and it's 3 in the morning)