"You can use me"
For what? Forget J? Making him jealous? Stress release?? What?? FOR. WHAT.
What do you guys think, I read soneobe talking about making his step brother jealous, but I thought he was referring to use him to forget ...

Omg I dont know for what and my head hurts too much to think of a reason but....
I just realized K knows exactly what happened with the step brothers from reading the story but we dont ughhhh
Also I think haesoo basically just told K that the stories were true when he said "you've read my stories you know how easy I am" what do you think? cuz I might be wrong but that's how I understood it and idk how to feel lml

That Taekyung guy said a few times that he knew exactly what type of person Haesoo is. He might have a problem with a guy like him in the past. Maybe he was used in the same way. And now he's up to play that kind of game again. I don't know for sure. But I think it's quite obvious that his intention isn't so pure.

I kinda think it's the opposite... In the past K was used from soneoba that could have him totally, esa his boyfriend and played him. H situation is different because he is in love/obsession with his brother, he is desperate, he tries to sleep around to forget him and to not fall in his "trap" again. I think T know that the ex and H are different... Maybe when he says he knows what kind of person H is..he is talking about himself. Or maybe you're right he told him to watch yeh video because he thought H is (like his ex was) someone that use others to get something know return.
Well, I don't think ANY of them as pure intention at all anyway

Oh my god that escalated quickly I really didn't expect that, I think I see now what Koogi was trying to do in the past three chap (didn't understand at first). It's like..it doesn't matter what happened with chief walk and how the relationship with Bum was after SW suspecting him..it's like it doesn't matter because that can't change anything...there wasn't even a real chamge, since the beginning this was what was supposed to end. Still..I don't know it feels a little rushed anyway.

I really liked the change in character's roles before this chap, but now I'm just confused...after the misunderstanding between Sangwoo and Bum I was waiting for another conversation between them..I was waiting for the present I think Bum bought for him, waiting for discovering if the money Bum asked from the girl were or that, waiting to see their relationship evolve once more. Then the chief came in and I though, ok, the whole situation is on pause because this, the will deal with him and then we're back to that situation with the girl, their role etc.. But...no, we don't see what Sangwoo do to the chief and we go back to that police offer again. Ok, I thought, a chap to make us see he is still there and he knows... Then the hiatus and today we have a chap that not only skipped thorough all that situation I mentioned before, but we even got a time skip. So it feels rushed and confusing. Maybe Koogi thought with all those introspective chapters we have the picture, but we still want to understand and see what happens. This time I honestly don't understand Koogi's decision and I can't see how explain all these moment left behind.

Not just that, the back and forth scenes of those 'introspective' aspect here is just downright confusing....i use to think that it's good for the author to be different and not let readers easily guess what will happen, but it feels too much since the plot isn't surprising at all.. so it's just the storytelling way that seems off

Yes, noticed that too... Believe me it's not easy to make me confused, also because I read manga and manwha for 25 years, but here I had to re-read some part of the chap. Hope this is an exception because until now Koogi was flawless, even when people didn't understand her choices or the psychology behind her characters, I thought she was doing an excellent job

I probably be more critical about that...I admit that this story is really out of the box when it first came out, the main reason why I read that in the first place. The setting and the theme are realistic so it's fair to say eventho this is fiction, the story wanted us to follow along the real logic of their characters, be it sane or troubled ppl like Sangwoo and Bum.
I like that after 2 full seasons of Sangwoo abusing Bum relentlessly, depicted as flawless psychopath, now we are given a more fragile side of him, where he clings on Bum, it's a bit refreshing..
What i consider a bit flaw is the dynamic between Seungbae, Sangwoo, and police force.. at this rate I feel like to make Sangwoo stand out and had the upperhand, police force had to be downgraded in depiction..they look unintelligent atm which is unrealistic and too obvious as plot device. I don't really favor the way Kwak, the supposedly intelligent officer, caught of guard that easily when he came to investigate a suspect without any plans, backup, or weapon, while knowing fully the probability of Sangwoo as a dangerous person..It didn't make Sangwoo looked like a smart and ruthless villain, it was just his enemy that was too dumb..
For Seungbae, it looks like he is supposed to be our eventual hero so he is given many problems and trials before he can outshine his enemy.
I kinda expect that Bum would be the trump card in this story, cuz we can see sliver shift of his attitude towards Sangwoo, so i'm still reading just to see what kind of end our 3 characters will get..since they all have different agenda..
But i guess, because it is contracted to be 4 seasons and with so many hiatus in between, the storytelling feels draggin

I really don't get how much people are easy to trick: Alex is not a bad person he immediately made it clear to DG he hadn't intention to have a relationship..what are you calling him the bad one for? DG knew what was getting himself into...I must say, if you saw that from a different point of view he was really annoing. If DG was a third character with an obsession for Alex you'd all find him obnoxious, so let's be real, neither one is at fault, remember to always stay true to your feelings in life

Yeah he made it clear but he still treated DG like shit. You can have a sex only relationship and treat the person with respect. I don't ever recall Jiwon being nice to DG when they had a sex relationship. Like he did some messed up shit. That's why people feel this way. Even Jiwon knows he messed up and didn't treat DG right.
Okay I'm a nurse and I don't know if I'm ready to read this xD
time to get ur daily dose of romance its necessary in the field of health.
hur hur hur
that thumbs up is for pinkdragon's comment
And yes I did find many things unrealistic... Like.. Are really japan nurses so ...useless? Because nurses are not there to help or support the doctor and do IV... This is completely wrong..
What are nurses supposed to do? I'm very curious!
It is a bit hard to explain because it's an intellectual profession. I'm from Italy and even if society still believe we are like.. a slave XD (kinda like in this manga), we have to make assessments and take decisions constantly, in our field. I think it's better to make an example: is there risk of bedsore? I have to consider what this person eat, how this person can move, if the skin is often wet (does she sweat too much, is there urine leak?), this person'mental health...if the risk is high I have a diagnosis (a nurse diagnosis, not a medical one) and I have to: chose the right mattress, change the diet, tell the psychologist about it, put an urinary catheter if necessary, change the position of this person every three hours. This is only one little example. In some unit we don't even have a doctor, they only came when we call, so this can give you an idea of how many responsibility we have, far more than "do what the doctor say". When there is an emergency I have to know what to do and even if I can't make a medical diagnosis, I have to know what the problem can be, to give the person first aid. We have to study pharmacology, cardiology, internal medicine, urology, a little of all. The Injection or ev are, like, the most easy and stupid things we have to do.
I really admire some doctor, don't get me wrong, but they do their job... and us do ours, there are collaborations, of course, but they are two separate jobs.
Please excuse my poor English
Also...in that example all is about the risk of getting a bedsore..if the person have one I have to take care of that, make dressing, and that also is my field not doctor's (there are nurses that are specialist in dressing, and there are other specialization too).
Not in all countries is like that, though
Damn! That's a lot and seems very stressful if you have many patients or if you're very understaffed! You're amazing! Keep doing an amazing job which is very important and appreciated by me Thank you!
i understand now why they often say tht it's hard work and they need more people in those fields! with what you wrote i see that they are really far from the reality!! respect!!! i couldn't do so much!
It is indeed stressful, but it's ok if you are passionate about it! I lkve my job, even of, like I like to say, you have to be crazy to do that. I work in a spinal injuries unit, and even if I admit some people couldn't work there
-sorry, send before finishing - even if I admit dome people couldn't do this job or work in my unit I don't think I'm like..special or anything..we ALL have things we can do and others can't, so I like to think I'm just doing what I personally can di better. I lado worked in a pediatric unit with child with cancer, and while a colleague said to me he couldn't even work there, I told I wouldn't survive obese day in his unit, a psychiatric one. I love how each nor of us have a place in this world..there is this quote I love (it seems Einstein wrote that but we don't have clear evidence): "Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." Oh, I LOVE this!!
Yes, we need people to do a proper work!! You know I worked in this care home before and I was the only nurse with 40 patien. 40. It was a nightmare. I couldn't sleep anymore, eat anymore...I had to let go of that job. Now I work in one of the biggest hospital in my country and because of that I work with many colleagues. Now I can sleep and eat ahaaahaah it can be difficult but patients are my strength. Sorry for this digression and thank you so much for your kind words
I'm feeling compelled to throw my 2 cents in, so here you go:
1. In my country you're supposed to learn half of what a doctor needs (anatomy, blood counts (norm values and what might induce changes and which sickness might be the origin), diagnostics (general, specific, smell, feel, appearance, signs and diagnostic tools), general surgical applications (which procedure for what and how it's done)) and then healthcare specific knowledge which allows you to incorporate the therapy the Doc decided on, into a wrap around the patient with the goal to "heal"(dietary, skincare, ensuring sleep and a profound effort to relax the patient as far as possible, otherwise all efforts go out of the window).
2. You're only allowed to use a third of that knowledge without the "go ahead" by some doctor. (Example: my patients blood pressure is through the roof. I am allowed to apply the emergency medicine noted down in this patient's file. One hour later, the blood pressure didn't lower at all, it rose despite everything and I have reason to fear that important blood vessels might rupture soon. So I page a Doc. And I resume to do so risking being reprimanded, for the pressure is STILL RISING and I'm not allowed to do anything else.... I got close to calling emergency call despite being in a hospital already)
Depending on the doctor, your experience, observance and effort are recognized - or not. Some doctors view us as "team player" or "valuable assistants with 24/7 insight of the patients progress" and some as "the girl that changes the bedsheets". Well, I DID change bedsheets, no denying that. (Example: patient lying on fresh sheets and my mind goes "huh... She's sorta... Yellow" (which isn't normal, to say the least). So I went looking for the doctor in charge and told him about my observation. He scoffed (like, really dramatically), and started droning about my lacking knowledge and how this patient has had an implemented small tube and how it was "impossible", that she'd shown signs of icterus ("turning yellow"). Yes, your holyness, I knew about that as well. Fact is, she had a fast growing malicious cancer which pushed that tube aside... so she... turned yellow. And was dead within 6 weeks.)
This comes off as darker as intended, but I guess...I loved this job. The profession itself is demanding but also rewarding. It's the funny days (entertaining a young spastic with my black eye, discussing that I looked like I started a brawl with a truck and obviously lost), the crazy days (my former colleague - a former prima ballerina - entering a patient room in the night shift with clogs on his (!) feet, a bed pan on his head and doing a pirouette.... Or him assisting a Doc while performing coloscopy, chirping "Let's get some eyelet embroidery done, shall we?") the sad days when you lose a patient despite everything and the tiring days when you're just DONE with your shift about two hours in - but your shift isn't done with you, yet. (And then ER calls because they need 20 beds and everyone stays for 3 hours longer, for they're playing tetris with beds in rooms and corridors)
Yes, girl!! All that you mentioned, too... I just choose to only mention our field and not the cooperative one because there are huge problems, as you said. Are you perhaps from Italy, dear ? XD
No sorry, I'm made in Germany ( ̄∇ ̄")
And truth be told, what I read lately in the news - at some point it doesn't matter anymore where or in which country you 're "healthcaring" it's the same all over and that is... really, really frightening.
5 years ago I had to enter ER on my own because appendicitis decided to make my week much more interesting. 3 hours of waiting. Another hour of waiting after having my first meeting with a doctor. Another 45 min (in which I was paraded in front of doctors-in-training, for I was such a "classic case"). Then I got a very young doctor who was supposed to practice on me, so he made me get up and JUMP ON ONE LEG (I was close to clobbering him with the IV-Drip)... which is actually really part of diagnostics... When you're not sure about the diagnosis.
For the next 3 hours I waited (told the anesthesist how I'm allergic to penicillin) got placed here and there with my bed - and every freaking time I got asked, I said I'm allergic to penicillin. The all noted it down. Finally in the OP, everyone bustles about, ready to knock me out and I get asked just before they apply anesthesia... YES. YES, I'M ALLERGIC TO PENICILLIN.
And everyone kind of froze Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
This kind of chaos is an everyday occurance, so the most desired trait of a nurse nowadays might be a flawless pokerface ( ̄∇ ̄")
Whatever happens, panic as much as you like, but never ever let it show ^^
AHAHAAHAHAH ok maybe here it's not at that Level...yet. For example we and the doctors ask like..20 times about allergy. Anyway, German and Italy nurses are
-sorry- as I was saying, as nurses we are pretty similar..in other countries they can have different responsibilities, like in England, where you can do little things, but you do can make a career. The saddest fact here in Italy is the salary: 1.200 euro is the base salary. If you do night shift you can get 1.500, sometimes 1.600, but that's it. Considering the cost of living we are the worst paid in all Europe and even in the majority of the world.
If that's not demotivational, I don't know what is. Well, it's the reason we're lacking in Healthcare workers all over, isn't it?
5 years in that profession and all I got out of it is lots of experiences of the strange kind, damaged knee, back and shoulder, crippling stories to tell and some bits and add-ons for my c-ptsd.
I was "damaged goods" beforehand, so that doesn't really count ( ̄へ ̄)
Experience of the strange kind
Oh yeah, if you are not Berry healthy they put that in the papers and then..oh, not pur fault, ok? You kinda were like that before, your fault, not us. Lol.
My little sis is a nurse too. She tell me a lo about her work - beside she know that I have hemophobia since childhood and I really hate hospitals, cause I was in hospital many times due to pneumonia - and se said that she and her colleaguea ask this many times because this is precept (sorry if i chose wrong word)
*tell mi a lot
*and she said
Sorry for my terrible English.
Best to you and your littke sister darling
Thank you. In 2016 autum she was in Italy for scholarship. She loved your country. (But she was robbed. .__. )
Oh my!! :( well, not the best place for police and justice, indeed. It's really a huge problem here, even in our house. Mine has bars on the windows.
If you r okay with just accepting as a function and read then u can otherwise don't. Ofc it's not realistic. But we can't deny that not every person wants to be a nurse cause of their choice. Some also do it due to pressure also