I guess nearly nobody understood Fuji here. His pain and guilt for losing a bast friend, his rage because of people wandering in the mountain, his remorse for not going there too, his will to atone his sins staying in the dark and in sadness all hid life. He obviously was a jerk to Kira, because he decided to do so, not because he is actually one. He called him slut because he wanted to hurt him, period. He tried to hurt him for chaps! How can you read mangas if you don't try to change your POW sometimes...

Because it gets super annoying how every backstory is I’m an asshole because I’m sad. This constant need to imply that someone’s trauma excuses their toxic behavior is seriously annoying and prevalent in yaoi especially. It can explain the behavior it shouldn’t excuse it. There’s no apologizing or even acknowledgment just the typical uke smooths things over by accommodating to being treated horribly.

Finally I get why Taku never convinced me 100%. He doesn't seem to have a heart. He simply try to say and do what he thinks other people like, he even said he was happy to see Haesoo sad. Well..this is too* twisted for my taste. Bye Taku xD

Well, let me put this into perspective.
Based on your name Im going to assume that you are a girl.
Now imagine that you are crushing on this guy/girl (I dont discriminate)
Now the person you like tends to talk and flirt with others.
Naturally if you really like the person you start to feel jealous.
Couples in relationships also get jealous its a natural feeling.
Taku felt jealous and when he saw Haesoo cry he felt reassured that he could probably have a chance.
That feeling is also normal. If a guy likes this girl who happens to be dating then, naturally when he sees her cry from the pain her partner caused he would feel mad and like he has a potential chance with said girl obviously after she recovers.

Well...at first I suspected Tae...I found him too shady..like..who goes telling first meeting "oh just watch a porn of me and my ex"??? 'At second' I continued suspecting him... all secretive, that way of acting and looking at him.. Plus he seems too much calm.
Then... this confession. And I immediately believe he's saying the thruth. XD XD

After being kissed "see? You hate me"

Bahahaha!! I'm not gonna lie, I busted out laughing when Niel said that! (≧∀≦)
It was TOO funny and precious at the same time, but I could also relate. ->(Doubting & 2nd Guessing myself; sometimes things just seem too good to be true.)
( ̄∇ ̄") ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
I believe, Niel is afraid to be swept away in a wave of good vibes and his emotions because he's been burned before and heartbroken; we can't deny and say that that's Not Relate-able. Afraid to believe that he could be loved in return and then end up being the 'Only' one in love...
Not to worry there Niel, Jensen Will & Does love you back, you'll find out! +Plus not to mention, WE The Fandom Loves You Loads Too!!! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Good...but kissing in public made it seems a bit unrealistic. First Kiss (without being drunk), in public a second after a realization seems forced. Plus, they are in Korea

They are in an aquarium during the day, whilst a dolphin show is taking place. In a huge room with 7 other people in the background (I counted) all of whom are too far away to see. It’s not like they are kissing in front of a crowd, more like kissing in a deserted street. Still in a public place, but no one can see them.
Ok I'm lost