Simply one of the best. So real and twisted, just like people usually are

Can't agree more. This is seriously one of the best manga I have ever read. I've read it so many times before but I still cry every time. Ugly crying. I'm honestly bored with all the simple, too-good-to-be-true yaoi where they meet and fall in love and fight and make up and happy ever after. This one's complex and raw and heartwrenching.

He was in love with his father.

Noo lol. He did love his father, and that's why seeing his dad have sex with the girl messed him up (after it, he couldn't act normal anymore). But he didn't love his dad in boyfriend kind of way, just a family kind of way.

We still know nothing... those flashbacks are incomplete. Maybe he was mastubating, maybe he was crying, maybe he was peeling his own skin...
we have to wait until the mangaka wants to reveal everything. BUT this kind of illness doesn't have a logical origin. Maybe we'll be disappointed when we know the whole story.

Hello Moi?, I always read yours posts.
I don't understand what 'F~FFFFFF' is. English is not my first language so sometimes I can´t sense(I don't know if this is the correct word) feelings like negativity. I just wanted to talk about others posibilitys. "Peeling his own skin " came to my mind for personal experiences. I didn't want to bother anyone.

Lo de pelarse la piel o arrancársela no se me había ocurrido :O. En realidad nunca le dí importancia a lo que el pudo haber hecho o no mientras veía lo que pasaba (para mí solo lloraba), lo mismo con lo de la chica diciendo que él era "repugnante". Simplemente pensé que era una p#_a psicótica y nada más! Aunque tiene sentido que en la desesperación del momento él reaccionara lastimándose. Me produce más curiosidad la reacción del novio/terapeuta cuando el menciona al padre mientras tenían sexo :s casi como si no le sorprendiera....será el hermano de la loca???!! ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

The translation on mangafox is a little different but I like it more.. For ex. Yashiro says "more" (not "I can't") and " with your mouth" (not "lick it") .. What do you think?!

This is an excerpt from Saezuru fandom posts in tumblr, from doumekichikara ( http://doumekichikara.tumblr.com/post/113089787687/artemisrisen-moran125-artemisrisen-this-part-is): i just want to clarify: sugimoto almost certainly knows they’re having sex. he doesn’t say anything about them talking; he asks why doumeki is trying to go inside (while yashiro is…taking care of this business…) when all they’re supposed to be doing is guarding the door from the hallway (i am heavily paraphrasing). also, doumeki doesn’t say he has something to tell sugimoto, he says he has a request.
So, Shirohato Scans translation posted in mangafox is more appropriate. But I'm grateful for nadeshiko96 translation (the one's here), too.

The Mangafox version is definitely better, you can tell that this chapter 15 is off.

Can I ask a question that might be kinda dumb? How are people reading manga on mangafox still? When I go there, it says this manga is licensed and not available. It lists the chapters, but when I go to them, it's just a page with no manga. And it seems that most manga there are gone due to licensing, but in this thread, you all are talking about it being there recently. Is there some sort of secret mangafox link where the manga is still available?
Way to go sweet nerdy, you look fabulous, I knew it !