Still one of the best stories I have read, no matter how much I re read this I will never get bored of it
May the author rest in peace
They are so HEUEHDUSK i need this in my life sob sob they make me cry and giggle
Bro idk why but im getting a feeling grim reaper gonna catch feelings for the mc… js me ????? Like idfk man just a gut feeling
Honestly I am so glad this didn't end early like most good manhwas
This is an actual good BL manhwa i have seen in like 4 months
That last panal ch1 was ducking scary af wtf
Honestly more interesting then some BL stories I have read could have been worse
We LOVE ROSIE, we all say in union!!!!!
I would die for Rosie fr, she is my dream girl
Isnt this Haradas art in the cover im so confused????
I think this should be replaced with shojo not shounen ai
Unless the girl will make them fall in love or some shit idk
Bro this is insane
I mean i totally get redhead guy
This shit looks interesting tho!! (PRAY THAT 2ND ML IS NOT BETTER)
Js incase its a love triangle
Reo needs to seek actual help man no joke
Im scared of reo man, like if i was mc i would kms then see him in the same world as me
“Pretty vanilla” my ass, they had the most hardcore &€x i have ever seen and it was their first do