thats literally terrifying wtf

That’s not what I would think, though. Also it Depends on the context. If I’m Ines, having the life she has lived, he would feel like a guardian Angel of sort. I’d have questions about the times he died early on… I also believe in God so maybe that plays a role in why I find this fascinating rather than scary.

Ines does have a feeling of fear of him but that’s to be expected because it’s like meeting an angel in the Bible who sees everything about her since he’s God’s messenger. However, Ines also knows he has the answers she seek so she wouldn’t hesitate to seek him out. It kind of reminds me of the scripture when Jesus calmed the raging wind and the sea and his disciples feared him as they wondered what manner of man is this that the very wind and sea instantly became calm when he said, Peace be still. There is familiarity but still fear. This is probably how Ines feels in Anastasio’s presence yet she longed for him to stay so she can get answers as he is walking away from her.
Remarkably, Carcel, on the other hand, will pull something similar to Jacob when Jacob wrestled/challenged God. That will be in season 3.

interesting perspective, thanks for sharing. im not particularly religious but i respect your interpretation, im unsure if ines feels awe when she looks so distraught and has been through so much though. perhaps her initial fear is similar to mine and will develop into something like yours? either way, personally, id definitely be terrified LOL

Her being distraught makes sense of course because she’s remembering things as she sees him. It’s like an avalanche of information crashing down on her all at once, at a time when she was worried about the fact that the crown prince is trying to kill the man she loves and that she might have made all the wrong choices once again. It’s like being able to see that there are actual answers out there. His magnitude is fascinating, but also frightening because he’s beyond anything she’s ever experienced. I think that by definition, awe feels like the correct way to express that. I do understand anyone feeling terror, though.
aresh is the only one allowed to take responsibility for seiichirou...!!!