So i decided to listen to a blcd audio i found on youtube. Confidently, i placed my earphones on both ears and put the volume on max. After a few minutes i saw the prompt saying i only have 15% battery, so i decided to charge my phone. And behold my earphones was never connected to my phone!!! and the walls in my apartment are thin. and here i am going incognito just to spill my guts through my utter lack of diligence.
To ensure security to my dirty little secret, I always go incognito. And so I was reading this yaoi manga when the devil sneaked and attempted to take a peak on my phone. Good thing I was fast enough in swiping my browser close. So now I cant find the manga. The point of view is that of the boy who had a new transfer classmate. There were gossips about the new classmate. The new classmate loves to draw and then he asked the boy to be a nude model. The boy only agreed to a topless pose. I think they kissed (?) Then the new classmate left. The boy entered art uni and he met the new classmate again...
That last page in the latest chapter
"To be continued...?"
In the epilogue on Lezhin, the sensei said that they may do so, when they are able to take care of themselves better and said that there health suffered a lot because of stress in writing this story.
WhooooAaaa is that sooo! I hope they take care of their health >< and i’ll Be waiting even how long it takes but please don’t make it when imm in heaven already heheeh