Remarried Empress
I swear I swear I could drool
Last read chapter 126
I'm so excited
Just read update and they look beautiful together. I honestly wish she could wed two men because the other duke is just gorgeous and hes so in love. Concoction or not.
Just read 128 but damn they keeping us in the edge of our seat can we see more?!?!?!?
Chapter 130.... I am so fucking upset...
Last read 155
Rashta is effin boring I swear. Chapter 162
174 last read
Last read 181 hope we get to see the gift later in use
183... Oh hell nooo
Your Dream Is Delicious
Chapter 90 is where I left off. Cute little special maybe it's a "nightmare" that Mara is feeding on.
93 is where I be
96 I am here. But where you at 97!?!? Oh my glob the nerves in my stomach and head hahaha
Queen Cecia's Shorts