This is actually making me mad js become friends wit him I don’t get the point why he hates him so much… like sorry that gay ass j guy ain’t giving you attention df?
Noooo omngg they’re so freaking cuteeeee like goshhhh my heart my Shayla their so cute like stoop and why was so so fine wit his short hair in the army and omg the little brotherrrr I love them so much!!! And I’m so sad it’s ended…
The stupid fucking idiot bro the guy’s name who starts wit a J or whatever his name is ima fight his gay ass. Cus what is this bs don’t fuck wit me now.. leave that kid alone
Why df is the brown hair ugly mf so fucking annoying?(the guy he currently likes?) like bruhhhhh get out my face and hello to the blue black hair guy like hello t daddy
TBC it shouldn’t even be a thing this is so ass cheeks like bruh…