Mama Fujoushi's experience ( All 0 )

Mama Fujoushi's answer ( All 4 )

Gay romance author. :) (And studying linguistics to teach overseas.)   1 reply
14 07,2018
I have more than once. One I dated for a while, but we broke up. The second one I had, I did confess to and we've been married fifteen years (so far) and still going. I gotta say, though, I got lucky. It doesn't always work out so well.   4 reply
14 10,2017
I'm 44, so I'll add my 2c here. Take chances. Make mistakes. Fail. And learn from all of it. The caveat, of course, is that there is a limit to how epically one can fail and still not have life suck big purple fuzzy donkey balls for the rest of your life. But no one succeeds at everything they do. (Even Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, I promise!) E......   2 reply
10 10,2017
In short, yes. The NOT short answer: If they are, in fact, gay (as in, 6 on the Kinsey scale), then they likely would imagine a sexy guy and think of him while he's doing it. Gay men have been going through mental gymnastics for years to hide who they are and that includes coming up with tricks like these to get through sex with a woman they're n......   reply
18 07,2017

Mama Fujoushi's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did finding good song

been listening to mizisua cover nonstop since it dropped <3

2 hours
want to do break old habits

I would like to stop judging cringy people. to be cringe is to be free, they say.

3 hours
did lgbt

what's wrong with illegibility?

7 hours