Jojo January 26, 2025 1:51 pm

I am looking for the name of this manga where they are both beefy, one of them is an alpha and has brown/black hair(not sure) the other is an omega and has red hair(I think). People/ the ml don’t know the mc is an omega. The MC & ML are FWB. The last ch I read the mc was having morning sickness & went to the doctors. Please help me with the name, I’ve searched so many masculine ikr list & I still can’t find it

Jojo February 1, 2024 9:45 am

I’m i the only one that thinks Yaoi genre is going downhill ever since the rise of manhwa. Nowadays, the only mangas that get updated on this websites are manhwa and they all have the same sh+ *tty storyline which revolves around rape and Stockholm syndrome. Can people bring back Japanese mangas, WE ARE TIREDDDD of different authors doing the exact same storyline

    Jojo February 1, 2024 9:48 am

    I forgot to mention Manhwas nowadays are literally just p0*rn. Like please no one is tryna see this sh*t

    Gazella February 1, 2024 10:19 am

    I couldn't agree moreee.

    Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays February 1, 2024 10:58 am

    See? People agree with you, but if I said that recent yaoi are repetitive r*pe plots, it's no longer true because I'm a homophobe. Why is that?

    aby55 February 1, 2024 10:59 am

    100% AGREEE i'm so sick of it broo when a bl manhwa has no sex in the first chapter it's like a diamond because it's so rare T^T plot >>>>> smut

    Skoopy February 1, 2024 11:01 am
    See? People agree with you, but if I said that recent yaoi are repetitive r*pe plots, it's no longer true because I'm a homophobe. Why is that? Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays

    Usually homophones and websites with a lot of gay stuff don’t mix together.

    Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays February 1, 2024 11:11 am
    Usually homophones and websites with a lot of gay stuff don’t mix together. Skoopy

    Yes, I am a homophobe, but it does not exclude me from criticizing the amount of r*pe in recent yaois, how is this related to my hatred for gay people?

    Skoopy February 1, 2024 11:22 am
    Yes, I am a homophobe, but it does not exclude me from criticizing the amount of r*pe in recent yaois, how is this related to my hatred for gay people? Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays

    Because usually people who are hated by you and you wish to die and burn aren’t gonna care for your opinion.

    I don’t see anything wrong with you criticizing rape in recent yaoi.

    Kokichi’s Grape Panta February 1, 2024 11:45 am
    See? People agree with you, but if I said that recent yaoi are repetitive r*pe plots, it's no longer true because I'm a homophobe. Why is that? Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays

    It doesn’t make it untrue, it just discredits your opinion because of your irrefutable bias against the political implications of the genre you’re criticizing. Or that would be the case if you weren’t an undercover non-gay hating gay burning patron

    Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays February 1, 2024 11:46 am
    Because usually people who are hated by you and you wish to die and burn aren’t gonna care for your opinion. I don’t see anything wrong with you criticizing rape in recent yaoi. Skoopy

    I knew that, but I wish these people could separate my homophobic side from my hatred to SA side. We homophobes are also humans, and we have standards for great plots, as if I can't hate on r*pe just because I'm a homophobe, which isn't true.

    HollowBrat February 1, 2024 11:54 am

    Mrm is heavily manga focused, so if you want to avoid seeing lots of manhwa that might be your best bet

    HollowBrat February 1, 2024 11:56 am
    Yes, I am a homophobe, but it does not exclude me from criticizing the amount of r*pe in recent yaois, how is this related to my hatred for gay people? Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays

    If you're a homophobe why do you know so much about what happens in yaoi? Most homophobes don't read any yaoi to have an opinion other than "I hate gays"

    Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays February 1, 2024 11:57 am
    It doesn’t make it untrue, it just discredits your opinion because of your irrefutable bias against the political implications of the genre you’re criticizing. Or that would be the case if you weren’t an ... Kokichi’s Grape Panta

    Yes, this is the word. They "discredit" my opinion about r*pe in yaoi because I'm a homophobe, which sucks.

    Jojo February 1, 2024 12:27 pm
    Yes, this is the word. They "discredit" my opinion about r*pe in yaoi because I'm a homophobe, which sucks. Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays

    It does discredit ur opinion because as a homophobe why are you reading yaoi mangas??? This is not targeted to you so please take ur bs somewhere else

    Jojo February 1, 2024 12:27 pm
    Mrm is heavily manga focused, so if you want to avoid seeing lots of manhwa that might be your best bet HollowBrat

    I find most Japanese mangas there but Mrm is technically a hentai page

    Jojo February 1, 2024 12:29 pm
    100% AGREEE i'm so sick of it broo when a bl manhwa has no sex in the first chapter it's like a diamond because it's so rare T^T plot >>>>> smut aby55

    I wish I could like this comment a billion times!!!!! Tbf I had no problem with smut till every manhwa just started bombarding us with it every page. Now I cherish mangas without them lool

    Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays February 1, 2024 12:33 pm
    It does discredit ur opinion because as a homophobe why are you reading yaoi mangas??? This is not targeted to you so please take ur bs somewhere else Jojo

    I hate r*pe and I hate gays

    Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays February 1, 2024 12:34 pm
    I hate r*pe and I hate gays Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays

    I'm a homophobe not a r*pe apologist

    Kokichi’s Grape Panta February 1, 2024 12:36 pm

    (My entire essay regarding why I believe we’re only getting these unoriginal, problematic, smut-focused BLs just got deleted so I’m just gonna type a short summary )

    I think the main problem with the BL industry atm is that right now plots are focused on the romance or sexual chemistry between two men instead of an actual storyline. Some of the most beloved BLs from the past such as No. 6, Banana Fish, and (arguably) Yuri on Ice had such success because although they were BLs, that wasn’t the overarching narrative. These mangas instead focused on actual trials and tribulations for their characters to go through and happened to include gay main characters, providing a story that was interesting without it having to be problematic to draw an audience. All of the current mainstream BLs lack a plot outside of how interested these men are with each other (or with whats in their pants) so all they have to work with is the chemistry between these men resulting in repetitive works of fiction that depict the same occurrences, just between different men. While I don’t want to criticize the authors or the artists because they’re just making a living, I do believe that it’s a problem they choose to depict stranger and more problematic relations between men instead of going back to their roots of writing actual stories that include gay men.

    What I’m really just trying to say is we need BLs to stray from stories ABOUT boys in love to stories WITH boys in love. Or at least another season of Yuri on Ice.

    Kokichi’s Grape Panta February 1, 2024 12:37 pm
    I'm a homophobe not a r*pe apologist Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays


    Kokichi’s Grape Panta February 1, 2024 12:44 pm
    (My entire essay regarding why I believe we’re only getting these unoriginal, problematic, smut-focused BLs just got deleted so I’m just gonna type a short summary )I think the main problem with the BL indu... Kokichi’s Grape Panta

    Correction: they provided trials and tribulations for their characters to go through OUTSIDE of the fact that they were gay

    Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays February 1, 2024 12:49 pm
    (My entire essay regarding why I believe we’re only getting these unoriginal, problematic, smut-focused BLs just got deleted so I’m just gonna type a short summary )I think the main problem with the BL indu... Kokichi’s Grape Panta

    This is really true. these characters are more than just their sexuality, they feel three-dimensional and have proper character development. You can empathize with them due of their experience, suffering, and growth rather than their sexuality. Even if they weren't gay, these are still great characters.

    ( but we still not getting that movie, mappa better give Yuri on ice to other studio T^T)

    Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays February 1, 2024 12:54 pm
    This is really true. these characters are more than just their sexuality, they feel three-dimensional and have proper character development. You can empathize with them due of their experience, suffering, and... Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays

    Like being gay is not enough to make a good character, these modern bl webtoons rely too heavily on their characters' sexuality without trying to create a meaningful plot because they know it will sell. Being straight is a form of sexuality, is a straight character a good character simply because they are straight? (NO!!!)

    Skoopy February 1, 2024 1:27 pm
    I knew that, but I wish these people could separate my homophobic side from my hatred to SA side. We homophobes are also humans, and we have standards for great plots, as if I can't hate on r*pe just because I... Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays

    So you’re not a homophobe?

    Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays February 1, 2024 1:34 pm

    No, I am. as I've mentioned previously, I'm afraid of homosexual men T^T. Also, english isn't my first language. I have phobia with gay men, but i'm fine with queer women, that's what makes me a homophobe.

    Skoopy February 1, 2024 1:45 pm
    No, I am. as I've mentioned previously, I'm afraid of homosexual men T^T. Also, english isn't my first language. I have phobia with gay men, but i'm fine with queer women, that's what makes me a homophobe. Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays

    Oh.. well, why do you hate on an entire group of people. I’m sure you understand that not all gay men are the same. That’s just unfair that you wish for all of them to burn, people that you’ve never even met before who all they want to do is love who they want to love. I’m not saying what you went through should be kept silent about of course and you have all right to be angry about it and angry at those men you fear. I’m just confused why you don’t ONLY hate them and wish death upon them instead of wishing death upon all gay men.

    I’ve been through a lot of shit with a lot of shitty guys and I’ve probably only met as many as I could count on my hand that I trust are good people and yet I don’t hate men I have faith I’ll find an actual good one one day. They just all seem to be shitty so far, but I know an actual normal fucking Joe will exist. I just hate their actions and their way of thinking I don’t hate on the person.

    If you dont feel like answering that’s fine don’t reply this is just for my own curiosity also sorry if it’s an incoherent or over sharing msg I haven’t slept

    Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays February 1, 2024 1:55 pm
    Oh.. well, why do you hate on an entire group of people. I’m sure you understand that not all gay men are the same. That’s just unfair that you wish for all of them to burn, people that you’ve never even ... Skoopy

    I just need to use the power of anonymity to let it out. I don't expect yall to understand, as I also don't owe yall an explanation, but I can't let it go. It wasn't sexually related though.Anyway I don't spread my phobia of gay guys in real life. ( I still want gay men to burn, that's not satire, and I wasn't homophobe before but.. yeah shit happens)

    Kokichi’s Grape Panta February 1, 2024 2:08 pm
    I just need to use the power of anonymity to let it out. I don't expect yall to understand, as I also don't owe yall an explanation, but I can't let it go. It wasn't sexually related though.Anyway I don't sprea... Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays

    Gayhater lore? What happened mdude

    hierophant green February 1, 2024 2:22 pm

    You’re so right. Especially about manhwas always being smutty. Manga’s are generic and tropey while manhwa stories completely revolve around sex. Manhua’s are pretty good except for the fact that they’re so censored and you end up having to read the 700k word novel to get your fill.

    hierophant green February 1, 2024 2:23 pm
    I knew that, but I wish these people could separate my homophobic side from my hatred to SA side. We homophobes are also humans, and we have standards for great plots, as if I can't hate on r*pe just because I... Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays

    Bait used to be believable

    hierophant green February 1, 2024 2:27 pm
    (My entire essay regarding why I believe we’re only getting these unoriginal, problematic, smut-focused BLs just got deleted so I’m just gonna type a short summary )I think the main problem with the BL indu... Kokichi’s Grape Panta

    Exactly! I always think, “would I still read this if it was straight?”. I used to love reading ANY BL, but I’m not 13 anymore and I need something with sustenance.

Jojo September 1, 2023 10:57 am

I’m sooo happy I can comment now

Jojo February 21, 2021 7:00 pm

Does anyone know a manga where the 2 characters are cleaners and in the same cleaning company and they fell in love with two step brothers. One of the characters is very organised and obsessed and the other character was a victim of fraud. Sorry if it’s all jumbled up.

Jojo February 5, 2021 6:42 pm

Dlss anyone know the name of a yaoi manga about 2 guys who like playing video games and entrusted a competition but one of them is not really interested in the competition he's just doing it because he get to kiss the guy?

Jojo September 26, 2020 1:00 pm

I am looking for a yaoi/shounen ai manga. It has the word ‘circle’ in the title and they are 2 couples. One of the couple partner like to dress up as a girl and he’s rich aswell.

Jojo August 25, 2020 5:38 pm

Does anyone knows the manga where the man is a boxer but he is broken and can’t fight anymore and he’s father is owing some yakuza money. So now he is part of the yakuza people but prior to this, he was in a relationship with the owner of the gym son.

Jojo February 14, 2020 10:39 pm

There wa this manga I read in the past can’t remember it properly all I remember is that they was a side couple that lived together however they find each other annoying and they were friends with the main couple. The main couple have gotten together, however they haven’t

    Zoey Zoey Zoey February 15, 2020 9:28 am

    It sounds like manga that I can’t find. If it’s the one I’m thinking if it’s by the same mangaka as the one that write the combini kun one but I can’t find that either. I’ll keep looking

Jojo April 14, 2019 7:27 pm

Hi, does anyone know where I can read the manga behind story by Ahn, Narae for free? TIA

Jojo January 31, 2019 5:49 pm

In need of a Spanish penpal. Add me on Line. My Line ID is goldencaramel.

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