v3rm1ta's experience ( All 3 )

06 07,2017
I want to learn japanese so much. Not because of anime or manga,I love it so so much. In my opinion it's the most beautiful language in the whole world   reply
06 07,2017
06 07,2017
I don't know if it's embarassing but I'm already 16 years old and never have been in love When my friends telling me different love stories I really get jealous, I want to have one too But it's not something to dream about,you can't decide it. I'm still waiting to my prince   1 reply
06 07,2017
I have three best friends.One boy and two girls. They are very similar to me. We often spend time together and talk about many different things. When I'm sad they are sad too. When I'm happy it's their happiness. They always try to cheer me up. When we're together we forget every sad things which we've experienced in our life. It's not important......   reply
06 07,2017

v3rm1ta's answer ( All 1 )

My first was Ken Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul but after him there were the million Anime guys I liked   6 reply
06 07,2017

v3rm1ta's question ( All 1 )

Well let's write when was our first date . Oh I forgot that I've never had one
06 07,2017

People are doing

did being an insomniac

I used to be such a chronic insomniac at some point, but it's improving rn. Or not, idk. I'm trying my best to fix my sleep schedule

10 hours
did coping with ocd

been working on it since i was 7!

11 hours
did ending friendships

they were always a shit person tbh but my limit was when they admitted to being a genuine pedo

13 hours