I may get a lot of hate for saying this but I am so fed up with the white hair character or uke (whatever), he's just been manipulating the MC and he's just so immature, so arrogant and so obsessive, like buddy really got mad at the MC for sleeping with the director (+ leaving a hickey) like yall in some relationship or something (Yall are just "brothers") and the MC is just so gullible and stupid cause ain't no way you fell for those crocodile tears he just did and plus, all the MC does fr is worry about younger "brother" whenever they're not near each other like he's still some little kid, I mean, I get that he's your only family left and yall only have each other but he's still an ADULT that is FULLY capable of taking care of himself, like even other people said almost the same thing but the MC just has it go through one ear and out the other. I feel like the only smart person in this whole story is the director, but of course, the MC turned him down/rejected him and chose the brother over him like OMFG.
Can someone spoil the next 2 chapters for me..?
For spoilers only
Idk which following chap this is but someone will get shot( ̄∇ ̄")
The two go together to the frat party, hayden's all jittery and heart eyed around brett, Some dialogues are exchanged (don't know Korean so can't tell what they talked about)
The blonde French student who's always being bullied finally snaps in this party probably wants to eliminate all these bratty alphas, pulls out a gun and threatens everyone. The blonde alpha that kissed brett makes fun of him saying that's a fake gun and he won't shoot. Frenchie shoots the alpha dead straight through the head.
Legit panic at the disco, evryone starts running around like headless chickens, Frenchie targets Brett next, they exchange some words and Frenchie shoots, Hayden jumps in front to save him. Chapter+season ends
Oh wow, that's really something but thank you!!