with female leads i always look to see if its created by a woman, with pretty much any form of media. i think my one of my favourite female leads is fleabag. i love how she's flawed and funny 2 reply
been listening to these songs quite a lot i think they are all pretty neat if i do say so myslef: we used to be friends - dandy warhols
beef jerky - cibo matto cowboy nudes - geese hangover game -MJ lenderman
surfs up! - famous crossing guard- model/actriz 2 reply
i've read a few of the comments and from what i can gather people are saying they aren't sexist they are just poorly written characters. which yes, i agree. however does this issue not stem from misogyny? the idea that a womans worth no more than something to sexualise at or to be someones girlfriend. the reason there is a lack of well written comp...... reply