THE GRANDPARENTS WERE IN LOVE WHEN THEY WERE YOUNGER... it’s so sad to think they couldn’t live happily ever after, but I’m completely sure the grandpa will not allow the tragic story repeat this time, he will help his grandson I know it. And I’m sure that if the other grandpa was alive he would help too <3 it’s almost as if I can imagine him in heaven rooting for his grandson love

Huan Wen and pink guy please be together soon!
When pink guy finds out that Huan Wen is gay I hope he will tell him to stop with this new girlfriend if he is unhappy, I am 100 percent sure that pink guy is going to get jelous at some point of this new girl...this is where I see this story going and I want them to get together asap (ノ≧∇≦)ノ
Also I’m glad comments are back ヾ(☆▽☆)