Hong Il-tak, the only red spot at Daemun Namgo. Despite his name and nickname, he's a boy, and his d...
- Author: Park gee,Parkgee
- Genres: Comic / Webtoons / Yaoi / Adult / Ecchi / Mature / Action / Boys / Delinquents / Fetish / Romance / School Life Comic Webtoons Action Boys Delinquents Fetish Romance School Life
Lol they are so cute lmao
From Ikemen Scans: University employee Ryouichirou is ordered by the Chairman to take in an exchange...
- Author: enzou
- Genres: Comedy / Mature / Romance / Yaoi
Ooo it was cute!
Geonmin's been having R-rated dreams about his upperclassman recently. When he's no longer...
- Author: TEKTEK
- Genres: Ecchi / Webtoons / Romance / Yaoi / Fantasy / Supernatural
Read this light ages ago but it was cute and whatevaaa
Well I’d do it but I’m not exactly interested in the Lorax like that yk