JamesMaybrick September 1, 2018 1:55 am

Wtf did I just read!? My heart was melting throughout the whole thing...SHIT that was adorable!

JamesMaybrick August 2, 2018 8:38 pm

This was so hard to follow through at the beginning cuz all the character started looking identical to me...

    bob ross May 15, 2020 3:26 pm

    he one story with the voice actor confuse me the most because yes i'm english but i don't speack shakespearean

    Luna May 18, 2021 2:59 am

    lol kinda yah

JamesMaybrick July 2, 2018 1:43 pm

I'm so sorry for saying this but I hated this manga. I read it all in hope that something good happens but my heart has been in pain the whole time. Too much rape and too much useless confusion this could have all been avoided if the uke hadn't been such a weakling and learned to use his fists to fight when someone touched him but instead he took them all in literally. He had a strong built compared to the guys that raped him so wtf. On that point the uke could have just told the seme he loved him to make him feel secure. It is clear that in the story the seme has some serious psychological problems the makes him have the urge to bully the people and objects he loves. And the more he loves someone the worse the treatment towards that person is. So actually the fact that 3 guys raped the uke is a show of great love since that could be one of the worst punishments there could be. They should have communicated more...You know, like humans. Their WHOLE family is messed up and the uke probably thinks that he turns everyone crazy. THIS WAS MESSED UP. I demand this to be labelled as tragedy because I don't see the happy ending although they might have thought to leave it up to the imagination.

    Awrel July 2, 2018 11:54 pm

    I agree totally, I feel the same way... I was really disappointed and kind of disgusting when I finish this... I hopped an happy ending which never came

    wintry day July 3, 2018 4:29 am

    You are victim blaming- it is unattractive. ( ̄へ ̄)

    JamesMaybrick July 4, 2018 10:49 am
    I agree totally, I feel the same way... I was really disappointed and kind of disgusting when I finish this... I hopped an happy ending which never came Awrel

    Yes, exactly ╥﹏╥

JamesMaybrick June 26, 2018 12:25 pm

THAAAT BITCH!! After Yujin dedicates his whole life to him and he just goes riding every dick he sees! THE FUCK?!

JamesMaybrick June 17, 2018 7:30 pm

OH NO! I wish the seme was an alpha but either way it was still a hot manga.

    Rev22x20 June 22, 2018 10:02 am

    That honestly caught me by surprise. I thought he was an Alpha the entire time!

    JamesMaybrick June 23, 2018 12:37 pm

    I really hoped that they could share a bond so that if an alpha comes along nothing would happen to the omega. So sad =''( Now the omega can still be raped at any time if not careful!

    Rev22x20 June 23, 2018 6:42 pm

    & all I can think about is “what if the omega finds his alpha soulmate?? What about the beta??”

    JamesMaybrick June 24, 2018 7:13 pm
    & all I can think about is “what if the omega finds his alpha soulmate?? What about the beta??” Rev22x20

    Yes, me too! I'm so tensed reading this manga thinking of the same thing. After all the omegaverse manga I read; those that involved a soul mate usually always ended up together so my worries will never fade at this point. Although I have recently discovered in an omegaverse manga that it's possible for the gender to somehow change later in life. For example the omega was an alpha when he was younger but became an omega because a strong alpha pheromone awakened that part of him. Also there was this alpha that actually turned into a beta. So unless this happens in this manga, I feel like I won't fully enjoy reading this until I'm certain that they will remain together forever somehow.

    ninihaha July 11, 2018 1:05 am
    & all I can think about is “what if the omega finds his alpha soulmate?? What about the beta??” Rev22x20

    omg this is making me remember this manga http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/erito_937_wa_yoru_ni_oborete/.

    the omega and the beta love each other but the omega can't resist his destined person (the alpha), that manga is giving me some serious feels OTL

    i legit hope this one doesn't go there (/TДT)/

    JamesMaybrick July 11, 2018 10:39 am
    omg this is making me remember this manga http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/erito_937_wa_yoru_ni_oborete/.the omega and the beta love each other but the omega can't resist his destined person (the alpha), that m... ninihaha

    Oh yeah...that one ╥﹏╥ I really don't know who the omega is going to end up with but I've been watching 'Teen Wolf' for a while and apparently a beta can turn into an alpha if it kills an alpha. Also an omega is actually a lone wolf without a pack ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Lots of useful information guys ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Amuseing4me July 11, 2018 5:47 pm
    That honestly caught me by surprise. I thought he was an Alpha the entire time! Rev22x20


    fancyface July 24, 2018 4:42 am
    That honestly caught me by surprise. I thought he was an Alpha the entire time! Rev22x20

    me toooo i was even hoping that there was a mistake and they found out that he is an alpha

JamesMaybrick June 8, 2018 2:00 am

This kinda left a bad taste in my mouth...

JamesMaybrick June 2, 2018 3:20 pm


    crazy otaku June 22, 2018 9:04 pm


    JamesMaybrick June 23, 2018 12:34 pm

    まあ、あまりにも悪いです、私は本当に楽しみにしていました。多分次の人生で。 ╥﹏╥

    crazy otaku June 23, 2018 8:48 pm

    悲しいことに、すべてのファンフィクションは底をすり減らしています。彼は兄です...もし彼が支配的であれば、それは夢の実現です。 ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    JamesMaybrick June 24, 2018 7:19 pm


    crazy otaku June 24, 2018 7:55 pm

    しかし、あなたはすでに日本語を入力していませんし、日本語を読むことができますか?あなたの文脈は私が意味している。 (=・ω・=)

JamesMaybrick April 5, 2018 12:08 am

This is so unbelievably funny! WTF is wrong with you guys (≧∀≦). Why on earth would you call this rape. Do your homework people. It is only called rape if the person that gets penetrated does not wish to be XD. Nemu did not rape Maya because it's just not rape considering the fact that the one penetrated is Nemu himself. If however Maya was the one penetrating Nemu while he was asleep that would be considered as rape in some cases. But in the first place, they are a coupe so rape is out of the equation unless the partner does not have any intention to become intimate at that moment in time. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    pigglypoof April 5, 2018 12:18 am

    Just want to clarify that I don't think what Nemu did was rape, but your definition of rape is wrong. By your definition, females cannot rape males, because the girl is not penetrating the guy. That is absolutely wrong. As long as one party is unwilling, it is rape. Whether the person being raped is doing the penetration or not does NOT matter. It's an issue of consent, not an issue of who's sticking it in.

    161141 April 5, 2018 11:44 pm
    Just want to clarify that I don't think what Nemu did was rape, but your definition of rape is wrong. By your definition, females cannot rape males, because the girl is not penetrating the guy. That is absolute... pigglypoof

    Amen say it louder for the back to hear

    JamesMaybrick April 6, 2018 12:01 pm

    Needing someone's consent is a completely different law but women cannot rape a man as there is no penetration involved. By definition rape is "unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim". The conclusion to this is that a woman cannot rape a man unless they violate him using a foreign object without his consent; thrusting it into his anus or mouth. If you want to prove someone wrong please do your research first. A guy can't go to report a woman for 'rape' as the only people who have the ability to rape are the people who have the 'equipment'. Therefore my definition of rape was right. (︶︿︶)=凸

    pigglypoof April 6, 2018 9:38 pm

    Oh that's interesting, I didn't think you were using a legal definition of rape (didn't see your title). I would hesitate to use that specific definition because legal definitions of rape vary from place to place. In the US, the department of justice defines rape similarly to what you have written, but the state courts all have varying legal definitions. In my state, rape victims are not limited to victims who were penetrated, so a woman can rape a man.

    I'm curious though. If a man cannot be raped by a woman (unless she forcefully shoves something in his butt), then what does he file for? Sexual assault?

    ecmcrlp April 6, 2018 9:56 pm
    Needing someone's consent is a completely different law but women cannot rape a man as there is no penetration involved. By definition rape is "unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the... JamesMaybrick

    Dont know if you have heard of them but there are pills that get men erect even tho they dont want to and some woman use it to "rape" men as they get themselves penetrated by a dude who cant move and is have to entertain a woman with his d even tho he doesnt want to. Thats considered rape. So yeah they can.

    Some people April 6, 2018 11:02 pm

    Yeah if ur bff givrs you secret hand jobs everynight, it's not rape you idiot pffff it's just a hand job between friends lol get a life ,

    JamesMaybrick April 9, 2018 9:19 am
    Oh that's interesting, I didn't think you were using a legal definition of rape (didn't see your title). I would hesitate to use that specific definition because legal definitions of rape vary from place to pla... pigglypoof

    I understand that law is completely/slightly different in other countries but I didn't take take that in consideration. I was only talking about what it means in the part of the world that I'm located in. I have yet to understand how law varies in different countries so I can only blame myself for that.

    Although men may feel like they were violated physically and mentally they sometimes choose to keep it to themselves as; if reported, authorities won't take them seriously and some may even laugh it off. There is a minority that file for rape but yes, I would say that most of them file for sexual assault.

    'Male victims try to hide and deny their victimization, similar to female victims, unless they have serious physical injuries. Eventually, the male victims may be very vague in explaining their injuries when they are seeking medical or mental health services. It is difficult for a male victim, heterosexual or gay, to report the sexual assault that was experienced by him, especially in a society with a strong masculine custom. They are afraid that people will doubt their sexual orientation and label them as gay. A perception of being gay is also a motive for rape in many cases.'

    JamesMaybrick April 9, 2018 9:30 am
    Dont know if you have heard of them but there are pills that get men erect even tho they dont want to and some woman use it to "rape" men as they get themselves penetrated by a dude who cant move and is have t... ecmcrlp

    True, but that pill is generally used by couples (and sometimes males that deal with pornographic material) to make the male last longer in bed. If they were strangers, the woman would have to drug the man without him noticing. The easiest way to do so is by getting him drunk but that would make it difficult for the woman to feed it to the victim therefore she must have put it in his drink/food. Society assumes that woman are not as strong as men and cannot drug males by force so that would be out of the equation.

    Again, males will be very reluctant to report this as it is 'their fault' for getting drugged. I mean he and the female he drank with (if he did) must have some sort of relationship, is what authorities may think. This is a scenario I made up I'm sure there are many other ways to drug someone but I'm nearly 100% sure that the male victim will not report this if it were the case.

    JamesMaybrick April 9, 2018 9:32 am
    Yeah if ur bff givrs you secret hand jobs everynight, it's not rape you idiot pffff it's just a hand job between friends lol get a life , @Some people

    Yup ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    pigglypoof April 9, 2018 10:06 am
    I understand that law is completely/slightly different in other countries but I didn't take take that in consideration. I was only talking about what it means in the part of the world that I'm located in. I hav... JamesMaybrick

    It really is sad how hard it is for men to come forward about being sexually assaulted.

    JamesMaybrick April 12, 2018 1:56 pm
    It really is sad how hard it is for men to come forward about being sexually assaulted. pigglypoof

    It's even sadder how nobody wants to take them seriously when they do come forward with that issue. I am not going to become someone that everyone will remember once I die, nor am I going to change the world as I am not capable. But I do want to make a difference and it won't be big. But if every one on earth makes a small difference we have the ability to change something for this generation and those that will come. All I want to see before I die is a more understanding place; where people's words are heard, because in all honesty a world without crime will not exist. 'Where there is shadow, there is light'.

    pigglypoof April 12, 2018 6:50 pm
    It's even sadder how nobody wants to take them seriously when they do come forward with that issue. I am not going to become someone that everyone will remember once I die, nor am I going to change the world as... JamesMaybrick

    Beautifully written. I hope you succeed.

    JamesMaybrick April 13, 2018 1:58 am
    Beautifully written. I hope you succeed. pigglypoof

    Omg, thank you! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ I'm actually starting criminology this September at Uni and encouragement is always welcomed since I'm not the most social and my friends are all going their different ways. I also hope all the best for you too ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

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