JamesMaybrick May 3, 2019 11:05 am

Ok but like, his brother was in love with Shinobu right? And he married a woman on a whim and had a kid then got jealous that Shinobu fell in love with his kid and vise versa. That's just how it seemed when 'ni-san' made a move on Shinobu.

JamesMaybrick April 16, 2019 8:39 am

Please tell me 'Bum' dies too (like in a car crash or smth) I just want them to be together. I know I'm messed up but they're both criminals anyway and they should be together in hell at least. Still want to get a happy ending in this traumatic manga.

    Natsumi_ April 16, 2019 1:42 pm

    Yeah after all a victim of abuse and rape deserves to stay together forever with his rapist. :/

    JamesMaybrick April 16, 2019 3:48 pm
    Yeah after all a victim of abuse and rape deserves to stay together forever with his rapist. :/ Natsumi_

    I mean...I'm pretty sure there are a lot of people who have completely different views on this manga. I believe that Sangwoo and Bum actually were truly in love with each other. Despite the 'torture' Bum received and that he potentially, gradually, developed Stockholm syndrome and is now (in my opinion) unable to live without Sangwoo ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    If you look deeper into this they are both equally messed up physically, emotionally and mentally which is why they are so perfect for each other <3 Some people see Bum as a victim which he might have been, but not for long; because if he was, Sangwoo might as well have been a victim too. We're not fully informed about their past but it's visible that they both had and have traumatic experiences that led them to develop the personalities they have.

    Bum willingly murdered someone and acknowledged Sangwoo's existence which means he consciously supported the murders that he was also involved with. It is also reasonable to say that Bum's existence made Sangwoo less cautious which has placed him in danger of being discovered several times. Bum is not someone who can be removed form his life and he is aware of that which means that this is the weakness that led to his death. If he had just killed Bum the day they met (he had plenty opportunities to do so) then he would perhaps still be there, all of this could've been avoided.

    I see both as victims as past experiences ruined their life and shaped them into who they are. Bum showed signs of trying to change but the ending killed him off (?). He saw Sangwoo crossing the streets with the girl they murdered (<--I'm guessing) maybe the spirits don't find it fair for him to live without consequences or it might've been a hallucination (that lead to his death). I can imagine Sangwoo asking the girl he murdered for a favour to get Bum to the other side so they came up with this plan leading Bum on the road while the green light changes to red dragging him to hell with them?? The ending can be interpreted many ways which is why I'm conflicted. (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    Natsumi_ April 16, 2019 5:53 pm
    I mean...I'm pretty sure there are a lot of people who have completely different views on this manga. I believe that Sangwoo and Bum actually were truly in love with each other. Despite the 'torture' Bum receiv... JamesMaybrick

    I don't know where to start how much it's wrong...well
    Despite the 'torture' Bum received <- why the inverted commas? Bum has been actually tortured and raped by Sangwoo, multiple times.

    I look deeper in their relationship, and it's clear that while they have become co-dependant one from the other, and that Bum gained a little of self-confidence this doesn't mean that their relationship is not abusive from Sangwoo's part. They have never been equal in their relationship, even in their "honeymoon" phase, Sangwoo still wanted to be in control of Bum. Sangwoo is Bum's lover, but he's his rapist and abuser as well. Please remind that abusers can love and have feelings for their victims, but this doesn't mean they aren't abusive.

    Some people see Bum as a victim which he might have been, but not for long; because if he was, Sangwoo might as well have been a victim too. <- BUM IS A VICTIM. It's not "some people see". Bum has been clearly shown as a victim for almost all his life and in the entirity of the manhwa. First he was physically and sexually abused since he was a child by his uncle, he has been bullied at school and again sexually assaulted at the military. Then he has been beaten up, hanged, had his legs broken with a sledgehammer, brutally raped multiple times, gas-lighted, humiliated, manipulated and forced to kill by Sangwoo. How the hell he is not a victim? Sangwoo beat him up up until the end! Have you read chapter 65? The last thing Sangwoo told him was that he wanted to tear his face apart!

    Sangwoo has been a victim too, but he became the abuser when he started to kidnap, torture and kill innocent people. He played with people's lives as they didn't matter, and with Bum's life too. Sangwoo abused him in every possible way (physically, mentally, sexually) while Bum never abused Sangwoo (or anyone, for that matter).

    Bum willingly murdered someone and acknowledged Sangwoo's existence which means he consciously supported the murders that he was also involved with. <- Go re-read chapter 19. Bum didn't kill anyone by his own will. In that chapter Bum has been forced in that situation after months of captivity and torture, and for the stress and the past trauma he clearly DISSOCIATED. He barely understood what he was doing when he stabbed Jieun! he didn't even realize it was Jieun. Actually he wasn't in himself to the point he drooled over himself ( see chapter 20) and felt emptied.
    BUM NEVER MURDERED ANYONE WILLINGLY. You completely failed to understand an importan plot-point. If it wasn't for Sangwoo, Bum wouldn't have killed anyone.

    Plus it's clear that he's not OK with Sangwoo's murdering habits. He got angry when Sangwoo killed his uncle who was his abuser as well. If he supported the murders as you said, he would ask himself to kill his lifetime rapist, but no, Bum didn't want him dead as he didn't want dead Jieun or Seungbae ( and actually he saved Seungbae's life TWICE because he didn't want bloodshed) or any other of Sangwoo's victims.
    i'm starting to doubt we have read the same comic!

    It is also reasonable to say that Bum's existence made Sangwoo less cautious which has placed him in danger of being discovered several times. <- it's not reasonable blaming Bum for Sangwoo's death, it's true that Bum was also his weakness, but it's all Sangwoo's responsibility

    The girl Bum hallucinates with Sangwoo is not Jieun, but it's true we can interpret the ending as we want. But I think that wanting a victim and his rapist together forever is glorification of abuse and the romanticization of a toxic relationship

    JamesMaybrick April 18, 2019 12:40 pm
    I don't know where to start how much it's wrong...wellDespite the 'torture' Bum received <- why the inverted commas? Bum has been actually tortured and raped by Sangwoo, multiple times.I look deeper in their... Natsumi_

    I like thinking outside the box and tweaking stories to my liking so yes, we have read the same manga but we see things differently; just like how people have different opinions on things. You based my comments on the manga so corrected everything you thought doesn't belong in the story. So are you saying everyone who read this manga have the same view as you? That's unlikely, maybe the majority of people have understood it as is, but I interpreted the story so as to be more satisfied with the outcome. Thinking outside the box allows you to make up scenarios and it's usually not something I often do but I'm an optimist and although this is a great work I can't say it hasn't affected me in any way. Although I say this I really enjoyed it and don't regret reading it at all.

    Thanks for the facts, I read the manga too so I know what happened there was no need for you to waste your time trying to prove me wrong/correct me as this was just an opinion. I guess this does happen often, where people's creativity is not acknowledged and everyone who thinks something different must be put back in place. This would have been a more pleasant conversation if you had just stated your opinion without criticising mine but it was nice talking to you.

    Also keep in mind that this is not a newspaper but a story with aspects of reality. If this was something that recently happened to fellow humans I would agree with your statements.

    Natsumi_ April 18, 2019 2:52 pm
    I like thinking outside the box and tweaking stories to my liking so yes, we have read the same manga but we see things differently; just like how people have different opinions on things. You based my comments... JamesMaybrick

    This is not thinking outside the box, it's misinterpreting facts.
    Bum IS a victim, period. it's not a matter of perception. It's not an opinion that a person who endures beatings, rape, humiliation and gaslighting is a victim.

    You can interpret some nuances of the story, but if Sangwoo is a killer and a rapist it's not my personal view about his character, it's just a thing that happened. Sangwoo forces himself on Bum without Bum's consent? It's rape. Sangwoo kills the CEO daughter? It's murder. Sangwoo hangs Bum from a hook? It's torture.
    Those are FACTS.

    This couldn't be just an opinion because in the comic you clearly see Bum dissociating to the point of drooling over himself! Why do you think Koogi put that detail? so you can see that scene "Bum willingly killed Jieun"? It's a comic, so you can clearly see a scene and most of the time you can read the characters' thoughts.

    There are people out there that are convinced Bum killed his uncle and blamed sangwoo when it's clear he didn't want his uncle dead :/

    You can argue if Bum died or not in the end, or if that girl was Jieun or a random girl, since koogi left it open to our interpretation. But you are using the thinking outside the box as an excuse even for the scenes you probably forgot and didn't understand.

    JamesMaybrick April 18, 2019 9:26 pm


    JamesMaybrick April 18, 2019 9:41 pm
    This is not thinking outside the box, it's misinterpreting facts.Bum IS a victim, period. it's not a matter of perception. It's not an opinion that a person who endures beatings, rape, humiliation and gaslighti... Natsumi_

    But why do you see everything set in stone? How do you know they're all facts? Why is it so hard for you to imagine changing those 'facts'. Because it's going to change the story?? Bruh, get out of my hair, I'm sick of this. People like you really tire me out, should've kept my opinions to myself. And what does me changing this story completely, have anything to do with you? Didn't want to raise a debate just wanted to lay my thoughts down somewhere. Goes to show that some people simply don't mix in thoughts (oil and water), you don't even try to understand where I'm coming from which is why you keep repeating yourself; going in circles.

    Natsumi_ April 18, 2019 10:07 pm
    But why do you see everything set in stone? How do you know they're all facts? Why is it so hard for you to imagine changing those 'facts'. Because it's going to change the story?? Bruh, get out of my hair, I'm... JamesMaybrick

    I actually tried to understand what you meant, but it's you that don't understand the difference between an opinion and a fact.
    I do a simple example for you:
    Sangwoo is biologically a man. It's not an opinion, you can clearly see he is a man in the story, it's a fact.
    You can't say, "in my opinion sangwoo is a woman, think outside the box, being a male it's just your opinion", because it's stupid.
    Sangwoo kills people, so he is a murderer right? It's not an opinion, because we have seen killing people in the story.
    Bum has been abused in all his life, so he is a victim of abuse. It's not an opinion, you clearly see multiple times in the story he has been beaten and raped.
    You don't have to interpret the scene where he is raped. At most, you can have your opinion if he really liked sex in chapter 35 as he told Sangwoo or he is convincing himself he enjoyed it. You can argue if they loved each other or similar things, but you don't have to change the facts of a story.
    Koogi decided Bum dissociated while forced to kill Jieun. She drew that. This means he wasn't willingly killing anyone, since the dissociation state implies he wasn't in control of his actions. It's not an opinion, still a fact. That's where I corrected you, since you are telling inaccuracies.

    As for you post, I've just said my opinion, i think it's unfair and sad hoping that a victim of rape should stay forever with his rapist. To each their own, if you like to think they have met in the afterlife and it's romantic go on.

    Wolfcub April 26, 2019 10:14 am
    I actually tried to understand what you meant, but it's you that don't understand the difference between an opinion and a fact.I do a simple example for you:Sangwoo is biologically a man. It's not an opinion, y... Natsumi_

    You summed up everything I wanted to say, thank you

JamesMaybrick March 15, 2019 8:53 am

So wrong but so right ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

JamesMaybrick February 21, 2019 11:18 pm

This honestly traumatised me more than killing stalking. That manhwa has nothing on this one. I could feel my heart slowly tearing apart for all of the characters wtf. Lowkey wished it would have ended in a threesome.

JamesMaybrick February 7, 2019 7:57 am

Gotta go read a happy yaoi manga now that ended with marriage and kids goodbye (●'◡'●)ノ

JamesMaybrick February 7, 2019 7:56 am

I was actually waiting for Bum to have a major personality change during this manga. Like Joker and Harley Queen for example. Harley turned crazier than the Joker because she fell in love with him. I thought that Bum would start to act more like Sangwoo and they'd live a happy life killing people until they both take their own life or are sentenced to death and get hanged together. Not all mangas have happy endings although I don't know the ending for this one yet. Also thought that Sangwoo would stop all violence against Bum as his love deepens.

    CGPT February 7, 2019 2:43 pm

    Then that would make the detective batman, hahaha. I dunno, I think Bum could still be saved but he would be a really broken person, probably a little insane after all he's been through

    Tanya February 7, 2019 3:12 pm

    I bet this manga will have a horrible ending

    JamesMaybrick February 9, 2019 11:26 pm
    Then that would make the detective batman, hahaha. I dunno, I think Bum could still be saved but he would be a really broken person, probably a little insane after all he's been through CGPT

    Yes, and he also attempted suicide on many occasions :'(

    JamesMaybrick February 9, 2019 11:26 pm
    I bet this manga will have a horrible ending Tanya

    I have that feeling too... ╥﹏╥

JamesMaybrick December 5, 2018 6:58 pm

Tetsuo's death was not necessary for this manga...Don't really understand why the author killed him off but I did like the drama actually...Nvm I like it.

JamesMaybrick September 26, 2018 7:36 am

Santa Clause, got pounded tonight/ is coming to town

JamesMaybrick September 11, 2018 5:17 pm

If this doesn't get a f#*!ing anime then am I even living? (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

JamesMaybrick September 10, 2018 4:18 pm

The Korean drama to this is amazing! Go check it out guys they're so adorable together <3

    Lessej September 10, 2018 4:28 pm

    The K-drama of this manhwa is going to be aired in the philippine television this september

    Hotaru6 September 11, 2018 12:39 am
    The K-drama of this manhwa is going to be aired in the philippine television this september Lessej

    Talaga te??? Ano pong title???

    JamesMaybrick September 11, 2018 4:05 pm
    The K-drama of this manhwa is going to be aired in the philippine television this september Lessej

    It's really awesome I hope you enjoy it as much as I did <3

    Hotaru6 September 11, 2018 11:06 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! alexzubiri

    Wowwwww, i didnt know about it lol
    Thank youuuuuu:)

    Lessej September 11, 2018 11:18 pm
    It's really awesome I hope you enjoy it as much as I did <3 JamesMaybrick

    I guess i'll really do. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Lessej September 11, 2018 11:20 pm
    Wowwwww, i didnt know about it lolThank youuuuuu:) Hotaru6

    Channel 2. Palit yata sa Hwayugi

    Hotaru6 September 11, 2018 11:32 pm
    Channel 2. Palit yata sa Hwayugi Lessej

    Ahhh okk po tyyyy te

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