I wonder if the "sisyphus" in the title has connections with Sisyphus in greek mythology where sisyphus was a human king who often used his cleverness to kill those who visited his city. He was very clever and was actually guilty of the ultimate sin of hubris, which is when humans think that they are equal to or better than the gods. The most famous story about sisyphus is his eternal punishment wherein he has to push a boulder up a hill every day. Does guwon house located uphill are somehow related to this?? Dammn I'm invested on this manhwa!!

Pretty sure they are connected. I mean Sisyphus is the guy who tricked and imprisoned death (Thanatos) when he came for him and untill he was freed no one could die. It ties well with the dead not being actually dead and still going around. Not to mention that there is actually a rock on a hill that Guwon thinks might roll down and destroy the town like the boulder in the myth.
MC met erszebet in that tower at greece AFTER his regression so he never met the witch before the regression happens. But how did erszebet have that memory? I don't understand