read Existence. Don't research or expect anything from it and just straight up read it without knowing a clue. When you're done, give me your thoughts about it
read Existence. Don't research or expect anything from it and just straight up read it without knowing a clue. When you're done, give me your thoughts about it sweet_cakes
Thanks for the recommendation! Just finished reading it and whoa. This manhwa has been an emotional roller coaster for me
Any good shounen manga without annoying female character?
I just binge reading Windbreaker and would love to binge reading any good shounen recs!
read Existence. Don't research or expect anything from it and just straight up read it without knowing a clue. When you're done, give me your thoughts about it
Thanks for the recommendation!
Just finished reading it and whoa. This manhwa has been an emotional roller coaster for me
glad you enjoyed it cuz it's one of my favssss !!