i like to think of haesoo’s breakdown as something that’s been subconsciously building up. like when you spend countless days lying to yourself about being okay, convince yourself that your current relationship is a happy one, and that you’re satisfied with where you are. the picture just brought him to his breaking point.
his tears have absolutely nothing to do with romantic feelings towards taku. 100%. not when he’s looking at a picture of himself in utter despair over another lover.
call me a masochist but I want haesoo to cry more. I want him to break down because he’s lied for too long. except, this time, he can’t run to taku’s arms again. he’s already done that in the past. the fact that he’s still breaking down is a clear indication that it was never enough. he has to leave this cycle of pain and superficial comfort.
haesoo recognizing where he went wrong in his life and going back to mend it since that’s what fills the gaps in his heart is the ending.
the ending is not: “haesoo returns to toxic first love, so cliche.” please don’t reduce the story to this :/

Personally I feel like the non Joowon fan ..NO LETS JUST SAY the ANTI- JOOWON have already concluded in their minds that his and Haesoo relationship is Toxic and is always gonna be Toxic..... Just cause they don't like him...... Some not all but they can't really stand the fact that even after all this time Haesoo still didn't develope the feeling of love for Taku so he can actually move on from JOOWON....

i fear no man.....but that thing *points to taku straight hair*......that thing scares me
edit: THE WAY SOMEONE ASKED “why is he cosplaying joowon” ON TWT SHIXBDJD

actor w/ red hair HA

joowon convinced haesoo to follow his heart in choosing his career and to not force himself down the “realistic path”. it’s literally foreshadowing the ending, because guess how he’s going to decide who to be with? of course youngha is dropping hints now, we’re so close to the end
so please, if even the thought of joowon ending up with haesoo is going to make you baby rage and leave obnoxious loud comments about how you’re dropping this or scream toxicity / incest, just leave silently now. thanks

tbh in my experience with reading many love triangle stories, it’s almost always the character that’s lost hope & is essentially willing to let someone they love go if it makes them happy that “wins” in the end. from a narrative stand point, this makes sense. It’s the entire conflict. frankly, in the case of an ending where this doesn’t happen, there’d be almost no point to season three. characters like Haesoo need to go through the wringer sometimes if it’ll force them to recognize a missing piece in their life. that’s what this entire season has been about...I don’t understand how anyone could see otherwise.
and i’m not saying any names because people go batshit crazy when i do, but if you’ve seen the raws, youngha is now really drawing the divide between the two love interests. buying a ring is something they both share. but the situations, the reasons, the timing—it’s where the stark contrast shows. as their recent actions become even more polar, the ending becomes more clear, but I don’t think it’s necessarily cliche or rushed. you can be disappointed because it’s not your ship, I understand that, but to throw in arguments about a rushed ending as if it wasn’t subtly hinted at since the very beginning and all throughout is a bit much.
cite: Hirunaka No Ryuusei, Hate Mate

everyone out here talking about drama but i’m here appreciating lezhin doing god’s work by promoting this story for what it is at its core

y’all are so quick to hop on the joohae closure train every time a new chapter is released i swear can’t trust anybody. (as a joowon stan i fully recognize bias, but for this post I really am just trying to point out what i see narratively)
friendly reminder that in the case of a comic medium, every individual panel is important and has a purpose, so yes I do think a lot about haesoo’s mom being brought into the scandal.
as we’ve seen, one of the biggest reasons why haesoo broke up with joowon was because he prioritized his fragile relationship with his mom. seeing as she appears pretty genuine in her attempt to make amends...call me crazy but it does look like she’s realizing how important joowon was/is to haesoo. there’s a point to every panel—overlook one and you miss what’s going on in the background. additionally, the focus on the way haesoo went “ah” after joowon mentioned the exhibit speaks wonders.
that aside it still feels like we haven’t reached the climax. the way you guys think this story will just end lamely with haesoo going to eat with taku...boring (although an accurate representation of their relationship). I do expect/hope something will occur that will force haesoo to choose, once and for all. otherwise...it’d be pretty anticlimactic

@ the silent taku stans that consistently dislike my comments despite them literally just being discussions about the story, here’s a cold truth: there have been no signs pointing to a taku ending. haesoo and joowon have been running this story since day one. they drive the plot, the characterization, the drama. So far every problem that prevented their relationship has been solved/looks like it will be solved in future chapters.
as always i’m open to opposing views...but i literally never get anything besides petty dislikes

This! I can NOT emphasize enough how important this is. To be completely honest, if this scene didn’t happen I’d be thinking joohae closure too. but that fact that it DID, at this point in the story too, indicates that joowon and haesoo still have more ahead of them. that and the fact that their convo wasn’t satisfying and i don’t think they talked about their feeling at all.
the way haesoo went “ah” about the exhibit honestly makes it look like he forgot about it

They don't talk about their feeling or relationship at all, so how can that scene be the closure lol. For me, if there is a closure, that can only happened after joowon confessing. Joowon already said that he regret not telling haesoo how he feels. Why would youngdam make that scene of joowon regretting this, if they gonna make joowon ends up not confessing (again)?

taku’s greatest development would come from losing haesoo. there, i said it. this is his first time experiencing love, no? that means he’s never experienced heartbreak....like, ever. remember when he couldn’t cry at his own uncle’s funeral? he lacks empathy—breaking up with people because he couldn’t understand how they felt about him.
how exactly does one gain empathy? experience. i’ve been pretty open about taku lacking development, and I think i pinpointed why. experiencing love for the first time just didn’t make him feel like a fully developed character. such a statement always felt super young, almost like something a teenager would say. and because he’s so young, he still has much to learn.
in short, if you love something, set it free. this would be such a crucial step in taku’s development and i would respect him SO much if he did this—if he realized that haesoo just wasn’t ready yet. and, if haesoo comes back, whether a few months later or years later, then he’s taku’s. otherwise, perhaps it wasn’t meant to be, but this doesn’t mean taku will suffer forever.

IN ADDITION, whereas haesoo’s & jooowon’s arcs have been about self reflection, taku’s entire arc is about self discovery. Love & Empathy. It wouldn’t make sense for H + J to suffer even more at this point. It wouldn’t add anything to their characters, only to the melodrama. Taku, however, can benefit from the growth caused by experiencing a full cycle of love.
Falling in love for the first time is not enough to be considered character development alone. What you learn from that experience, however, can be.

why are there so many dislikes on this when this literally proves to be taku's character arc: experiencing heartbreak for the first time because he'd been so apathetic towards meaningful relationships. taku stans barely bother understanding joowon/haesoo's perspectives, yet they can't they read their own fav character either lol
anyway, good taku analysis that connects very well to this comment: http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/9859606/
that’s it. he yixin is very genuine and definitely not an asshole like y’all are claiming. hes baby i don’t make the rules
I too think like that. I think yixing broke up with zhan is to protect him from something or the area yixin is currently engaging is far too dangerous for zhan... I think that's why he plays the asshole role