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lavender March 4, 2021 10:26 am

that’s it. he yixin is very genuine and definitely not an asshole like y’all are claiming. hes baby i don’t make the rules

    Falcon March 4, 2021 10:11 pm

    I too think like that. I think yixing broke up with zhan is to protect him from something or the area yixin is currently engaging is far too dangerous for zhan... I think that's why he plays the asshole role

lavender October 24, 2020 2:55 pm

lowkey sad for taku because he asked the perfect question during that photo shoot to make haesoo realize his lingering feelings for joowon OOF. it’s like shooting yourself in the foot.

conclusion: taku #1 joohae supporter

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Raws - Repost for those who lost 12-05 22:30
Chapter 30 - 41 raws 11-23 14:39

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