Hey there. I've been waiting for mangago to notice that we've updated the scans, but I guess they haven't. Here is the new update on our site:
happy reading!

Companies like this exist in Japan. They're called black list companies. Look into them. They're famous for causing many people to commit suicide and harm others around them. This is a really important piece of fiction because it's making a political statement about the working conditions in Japan - it's real.

Sneaks up on us with an update just when I thought she was balls deep in Daiya no Ace and never pulling out again.

https://disqus.com/home/discussion/myreadingmanga/kokonotsu_oazuke_eyes_on_me_daiya_no_a_dj_eng/ There you go! Don't spread it around. It was supposed to be taken down awhile ago ;).

Sorry, I didn't understand, is she doing DJ of Daiya no Ace, including Eyes on me, or you mentioned it because you enjoyed it?

This is by her! She's into DnA. This is her pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=87344

Working on the translation! Maybe later this week.

you can do it!!

If she says sexually frustrated, I wonder whatcha gonna do w the doll (≧∀≦) lol

Sweet!!! Equipment of choice: Yashiro's top drawer. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
P.S. Do NOT take off the double layer. ( ̄へ ̄)Why? because it's empty.

A little bird told me that someone from Tumblr is working on it and chapter 18 will be released on Thursday.

The staging for this work was very complex and arduously articulated, so I thought I would give it the serious consideration and critique that the efforts of its creation deserves.
The overall idea of the timeline makes sense, but as far as the diplomatic aspects, I don't think the leading countries or the time frame between wars is very plausible.
For example, I don't think India would be in on the 3rd Pacific war. And time-wise, I don't believe the 4th world war would occur only ten years after the third, with as many casualties as it had, assuming social justice in 1st world countries continued to be as blatantly anti-drafting as it is today in 2015, among others things.
My questions: "Influx of refugees" from where, to where? Global warming is still an issue, intense enough to effect food production, but not enough to warrant serious health problems to humans yet (because of, well, the lack of plants surviving, some of the most robust lifeforms around)? How did the citizenry of different nations overcome the immediate xenophobia of two consecutive world wars to "rebel" by the eventual obliteration of most patriotic sentiments, it seems anthropologically unsound. How did Japan become one of these only 3 remaining federations, when, at the time this manga was written, Japan had not even remilitarized yet (2010), and was not indicated to have done so before the advent of the 3rd pacific war.
Semantically: "pacific war" is only referring to the world war II happenstances within South and East Asia, so I'm not sure when chronologically pacific war II happened (bringing rise to the III mentioned here), and then how pacific wars differ from the eventual world wars after that. America being involved in a Pacific war also makes the reusage of the title rather inapplicable, since America is not an Asian country, though it boarders the pacific. Of course, if that is the meaning of the name, then India would not be applicable to the title because it does not boarder the pacific)
Overall, I liked how the advancement of the future was grounded conceptually. However, is there anyone else out there in some form of global or international studies that finds themselves just as skeptical about the details as I am?

I'm not in either study, but it seemed kind of weird to me. I don't understand why sensei added that stuff, but I assume it will be important in upcoming chapters. Manga takes a lot of liberties, especially yaoi. I think a strange political situation is very mild compared to other things, so I don't mind.

The knowledge I do have comes from a political science class I took and my knowledge of history. To talk about what you mentioned specifically, I think you're focusing on the wrong things. War starts when the benefits of going to war outweigh the costs (casualty costs, financial costs, public opinion costs, etc.).
First, the US has only gone to war with the reason of protecting itself and the excuse of protecting people of other countries. Also, China has been communist and has had poor civil rights for decades, but the US has not gone to war with them. The US's economic relationship alone is reason against war. Other than war with China being unlikely, India is still a developing nation. India has not been involved in any major wars so far. There's absolutely no reason to go to war with them and its unlikely there will be within the next 30-40 years. Even if there was a war, it would last more than one year.
Second, even a liberal China would have no reason to support India nor Pakistan in a war. So soon after ridding of communism, they'd be focusing on their own country. It is also unlikely that 31 countries all have the funds to go to war. It's unlikely they'd even have reason to go to war.
Third, there is and likely will never be a reason for nuclear weapons to be deployed in South Africa. Whether than means sending weapons into South Africa (unlikely because it poses no threat to any other countries, plus killing off a huge population of Africans would spell disaster for many reasons) or South Africa sending them out (South Africa has and will not have within the next century a reason to possess WoMD).
Now on what you said, “Pacific War” is reasonable if the war takes place in the Pacific. The problem isn't with the US (there's a Pacific side, not to mention Hawai'i) but India is not in the pacific, like you said; so unless it sent ships there (unlikely because India does not have a strong navy), there's be no reason to call it the Pacific war. Any time there is war, refugees from heavily impacted countries will flee to less impacted countries. So that's not an issue.

Everything you said I agree with. In fact, I think perhaps when you say "you're focusing on the wrong things," you mean that perhaps I did not delve far enough into what you think are the chief rational inconsistencies? But everything I have said thus far aligns with and (in the case of the "Pacific War" being an already-coined terminology for the East and South Asian conflicts of WWII, that you skimmed over in your reply) expounds upon your statements thus far.
I problematized those things which I find fault with conceptually, from a broad perspective. I have known the objective logistics of war initiation, and although I appreciate the refresher on it, I do not think that I am "focusing on the wrong things" but rather that my initial posts problematizes some aspects, while yours takes issue with others.
I agree again that your reply concerns the "details." Countries in this manga seem to be arbitrarily chosen, despite their blatantly inapplicable circumstances in real-life representation, which make them unfit for the roles they have fictionally. I did say that my main issue with the world war existed with India. The issue of China is very complex, but China personally has a 100 year plan to take over the US (this is widely known), so the prospect of a future war, un-instigated by the US, is plausible. However as I said and you elaborated, India makes no sense in the conflict because it is a developing country. The issue with South Africa is also valid. I appreciate your critiques as well, but again, I do not think they make my problems any less focused or valid of conceptual issues. As far as refugees, by the way, if the world loses a third of its population, those places which are more affluent than others should be specified, because at that point, places of refuge are few and far between. The casualty rate in this story is comparable to the effects of the black plague across Europe. In the event of such a catastrophe, my question wa to which countries and from which countries do refugees flee, as this is an instrument piece of information in understanding the exact dynamic with which the war took, logically. ^^
I'm willing to translate this manga, but I need Japanese raws and a team to clean/typeset/proof. I have the raws for the latest chapter, but none before it. If it's true that is was dropped, I'd need help, but I can pick it up.
I hope you found a team TT_TT!
it's beautiful story why is dropped? seriously ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ
Dropped? Did I even read this right? Why??????!!! why so sudden?! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)
Erm guys it's not dropped... The team had copyright issues and had to take off the download links for Canis on their website, but as far as I know they're still working on it! It just takes time 'cause the team members are really busy...
How are they going to circulate the scablafion with copyright issues? Create a locked community with password features? It's the same thing as killing the project, if the publisher came after them.
There are Chinese raus, Fouls youndo it also?
There are Chinese raws, Could you do it also?
No, they just won't release it under their name so the publishers can't find them again, like other teams did before.
And I don't get what you mean by killing the project. I mean, we only get to know Canis thanks to this team who shares it with us, so we should at least respect the fact that they don't have much time right now and a real life going on.
Its as what you say. Lets be all patient. Thats all.
i'm not great at it but if you can find the raws and a translator i can at least try typeset and clean!! if it's still dropped, i mean!
"kill the project" as in 'when a publisher comes after you, you can only privately circulate translations, but if you make it public, they will prosecute you.' not "kill the project" as in 'scanlation kills series." Mind you, I am in the scanlation field, and I have translated quite a few series on this site. I know full well that scanlations are responsible for many success stories with the official release.
If the publishers are after them, it's impossible for them to release it publicly. That's what I'm saying.
I am a translator. I have the raws for the most recent release, but we'll have to get all the releases since the last scanlation stopped.
It's really nice of you, wanting to translate this for us, but instead of stealing someone else's project (they don't own Canis, I'm aware, but they work so hard on it until now, you should respect that) you could contact the team and offer your help, so it would be faster.
And what don't you understand when I say they won't release the next chapters under their names to avoid copyright issues? If you're in the scanlation field, you know that other teams did the same thing before. It's quite simple ; you just remove your credits page, or make another one without your true team's name (and, of course, you don't write on your blog or tumblr or whatever that it's from you)
I don't know why you're still speaking about private releases because I never mentionned that, nor did the team.
Do you have inside information that they will?? There are three chapters out not translated to the knowledge of anyone in this thread. They did make a public announcement it was dropped on their site. That's what we know. The rudeness in your comment seems like speculation and pointless aggression, in return.
After all, no one picked up Wild Adapter for similar speculations like yours after the group dropped it.
Keep me updated!! I'll look as well on my day off from work.
Hey, I really don't want to be rude, but yes, it pisses me off to read that they dropped Canis when it's not true. Check your infos please, because I may sound rude to you, but to me it's rude to this team and their hard work.
From the team's blog : "but to stay on the safe side we decided to stop working on Canis series under bunny's scans name."
And go check their tumblr too. There's a good new.
Yes, its what youve said. They put it in thejr blog that they dont work on it under their actual name. Thats all. Their delay is for reasons of RL not that they dropped it or that they wont share it on public. But of course they wont shout it from the rooftops. They are subtle.
...? I never stated they were dropped, I asked, "How are they going to circulate the scanlation," presuming they were contacted by the publisher. I actually never said the word "dropped" once. I asked YOU for more specific information about what they were planning to do. Other people were the ones who said it was dropped, not me. So I'd appreciate it if you didn't put their words in my mouth.
I offered to translate this because I didn't know if would 100% never read a public reader again. And I was asking people here if they would be interested in trying to do that. There are several scanlation groups that cover the same series. Everywhere I go, I encounter people who really don't understand the time, effort, and risk scanlation members face for doing the work they do. And I'm actually appalled to have this treatment from a reader.
But anyway, since I'm getting nothing from you but misguided "it's not dropped" hate, and no explanation of how the project will move forward with a publisher claim over their heads, I went and look it up myself. For everyone who is interested, this is the only information out there, taken from bunny's scans website:
"Before I give you links... You or may have not noticed we've removed all download links for Canis series and we also removed it from our online reader. We received DMCA claim from Akaneshinsha representative to remove all infringing contest for Canis series. We can't say why for this series alone (since we're working on many other of their stuff), we also got no confirmation if this means there are any negotiations for license.
We were asked to only remove the content, nothing else, but to stay on the safe side we decided to stop working on Canis series under bunny's scans name. But don't worry, we'll be sure to keep Dante's store running and let that be the only hint for what'll happen in near future."
"stop working on Canis series under bunny's scans name," meaning they will circulate the series some other way. So my speculation is they will go through making a whole other scanlation platform to avoid the publisher, and/or be more discrete and have a locked community altogether for private scanlation downloads. That doesn't mean the scanlation won't eventually reach mass manga reading platforms like this place (mangago), but it will mean that we might put the scanlation group at risk, if the publisher finds this place and traces it back to them. We will also likely see larger delays in the scanlation making it to this website.
That's all I needed to know. I found it out for myself. Thanks.
Aaand they're publishing under a different crew name, like I thought. Thanks for the help.
dear-mr.-dante is now covering it.
*edit to all: I read that it was dropped. Which is true and untrue, but basically: thanks to everyone who has offered to help me!
It has been dropped by bunny and moved to a different group, but it still has a complete team, and is not in need of a new scanlation. So my services are not needed. Thanks
Hi, I'm the same anon who answsered you before. First, sorry if I offended you because it really wasn't my purpose. At first, I just wanted to inform you that Canis wasn't dropped and an other team was working on it already. I did it because I didn't want you or the other team to work for nothing.
It's true that you didn't say "it was dropped" (like many other comments did), you were just using conditional "if it's dropped" etc. that's why I wanted to correct your assumption. About your question on how they would circulate the chapters, sorry because I thought you were being sarcastic, that's why I didn't explain to you properly like I could have. English is not my mother tongue, and even though I think I speak it rather well, I can misunderstand sometimes. That's also why I asked you what you mean by killing the project, because I really couldn't understand the meaning.
About teams working on the same serie, it's an other matter. Personnally, I think it's really a shame, because as you said, scanlation is a big work so 2 teams working separately and doing the same thing sounds like a waste of time. But of course everyone is free to do as they want and I'm no one to judge. I just have my opinion.
On the other hand, I think you should have check the translator's blog way before this whole discussion. Yeah, of course, you don't really have any obligation to do so, however instead of saying "if it's dropped" you could have seen it wasn't. The team has been subtle enough in this message to explain they wouldn't "officially" scanlate Canis anymore but also they were still working on it.
And about your speculation at the end, well, it's not my fault if you assumed they would do private releases when it has never been mentionned anywhere. You could have just asked them if their releases of Canis would be public or private, the team is pretty easy to contact and I'm sure they would have tell you.
Anyway, there's no use arguing about this forever. Objectively, I think we were both wrong here. I shouldn't have been harsh or rude in my answers, I'm not proud of that because that's really not the kind of person I am in RL, I should have explained to you properly. You had good intentions and wrong assumptions, and you don't seem like a bad person either.
So please, no hard feelings, that really wasn't what I wanted.
we need a comeback