i wanna comment this (a reply for a comment below) because why not??? is a opinion of mine, and sorry my bad english :(
Endeavour literally tortured his children and mistreat his wife leaving her with permanent sequelae (like, her last 10 years she lived locked up) and you know, people can change, and he was changing but past dont forget, and THE REVENGE in this case seems it looks justified to me xdd, Dabi is a psycho who understand how bad society is, a society that allows the existence of heroes like endeavor without paying any sentence and the logic of power in the rankings of heros. No one is excusing Dabi, he is a villain, he is just a character who perpetuates the cycles of violence that he lived in his childhood and manages to obtain revenge for his father's abuse and that is fucking satisfactory, because Endeavor did not pay for any actual setence or material consequences XD
And i pray for todoroki tot he angel
Sorry for my bad english.
I don't know if I ended up liking this manga, maybe I had more expectations of it, I don't know, the writing was not the best and it haves some really bad parts. It feels like the author wants to "educate" about lgbt+ issues but only brings to the plate an uncomfortable relationship between an old man with pedophile tendencies and a student with brutal internalized homophobia. And the uncomfortable part is because this old man isn't represented as a bad influence or complicated influence but as a loving lover :/
I think the main character is well written in terms of their internal monologues and insecurities, and he suffers a lot, but I have a bad taste in my mouth in many chapters. And I rescue some moments, especially the discussion of what is normal? and that things
Also, I don't feel that tragic realism of the real world either in this manga, especially in the part that Miura got on stage and I don't know, like wtf, like a cliche of fucking western movie?? XD her character was like so bad written
Life is fucking hard and you know, has a lot of messed up stuff, but i really didn't like how the taboo topics were portrayed. Also, i think that it is still complicated to add pedophilia when it comes to portraying a story of an lgbt person, because there have always been strong prejudices that relate homosexuality to pedophilia soooo...idk
In addition to the fact that couples in real life with an age gap of that level in the real world generally are relationships of inequality of power, where an adult easily carries the insecurities and lack of guidance of an student, like, idk, there are so many cases of gas lighting
What is my point? I read so many comments that allude to a realistic story but I don't see that in this manga, it is a hybrid mixture of fantasy (Miura oppressed at the same level as Jun for being fujoshi?? like really?? or the suicide scene with not really sequelae or the need for psychological treatment??) and hints of situations that are seen in the world real but to bring lgbt issues??
If you search for something realistic, go to read http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/until_i_meet_my_husband/
or you want to read about taboo topics (pedophilia) and its real impact on people go to read http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/boy_meets_maria/
ooh mucho texto asjdks
i found this review with some opinions that i relate xd if someone is interested
The uncomfortable and taboo elements of real world can be reflected and portrayed in fiction, in art and many times that allows to start strong reflections and necessary conversations, but I don't think this manga has achieved it in the best way.