hiraya June 21, 2019 1:09 am

i'm happy that they ended up together... i saw the japanese version online (i think 2 years ago? and reddit users have also said the ending was going to be sad, that's where i got the link to raws.) and it seems yuuta died with yui's soul in his body. there was a conversation between yui and kazuma. and yui had a child (i'm sure it was not kazuma's as he walked away after their conversation). kazuma remnded yui not to be sad and live a "normal life" and then yui remembered the time she spent together with yuuta as she looked at her child.

now the raws of that version are nowhere to be found :(

    Tolly June 19, 2019 6:54 pm

    Was that about another manga?

    hiraya June 20, 2019 2:41 pm
    Was that about another manga? Tolly

    nope, it's actually the original webcomic- the ending was actually a bit dark. but this one gets a happy ending. i saw spoilers on reddit before

    Tolly June 20, 2019 5:48 pm
    nope, it's actually the original webcomic- the ending was actually a bit dark. but this one gets a happy ending. i saw spoilers on reddit before hiraya

    Thank God the editor got involved there.

    Wdbisl June 22, 2019 6:52 am
    nope, it's actually the original webcomic- the ending was actually a bit dark. but this one gets a happy ending. i saw spoilers on reddit before hiraya

    What was the original did he die?

    hiraya June 23, 2019 1:29 am

    it was implied.. it didn't say how one of them died. the raws jumped from the chapter tachibana confessed to the chapter where kazuma and yui were talking. one of the commenters on reddit assimed yuuta was still in yui's body because the pronoun yui used was "ore" (used by males when referring to themselves) and according to him kazuma said to "live a normal life" i'm not sure if it was here i found the link or in another manga reader site..

    hiraya June 23, 2019 1:37 am

    here's the reddit thread i've been following since reading the manga. you'll find links to the chapter i am referring to


    hiraya June 23, 2019 1:40 am

    the original webcomic's epilogue

    hiraya June 23, 2019 1:57 am

    "the raws jumped from the chapter tachibana confessed to the chapter where kazuma and yui were talking. " i mean when i saw the raws last year, there were missing chapters, and it skipped from the chapters with tachibana to the epilogue

hiraya May 21, 2019 9:18 am

so, i'm really happy that they finally kissed and all, but did you notice the lingering look between yona and hak, right after jae ha came to fetch yona? that panel was kind of sad and i don't want to think about it, but to me it looked like something bad's gonna happen next... (just my opinion, though.. and i hope my hunch is wrong.)

hiraya May 21, 2019 4:16 am

can't stop grinning because it's sooooo sweet and precious ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ (≧∀≦)

hiraya May 8, 2019 9:53 am

they're so cute together and mom is so shocked to see them sleeping together. if i were her mom i wouldn't know how to react to that either

    CRMSNVictory May 7, 2019 7:00 pm

    She is an adult not a teenager, so it's okay.

    Michiiiik May 7, 2019 9:05 pm
    She is an adult not a teenager, so it's okay. CRMSNVictory

    Not the same culture than you so maybe for you it’s okey but not for everyone

    hiraya May 8, 2019 4:42 am

    yes, that's true, they're adults so it's ok and that's also accepted in our country. but i would definitely feel awky if i found my sister/brother with their SO in bed. i know it's natural for lovers to do that but i most definitely do not want to see them in the act hahaha :D

    more than a cultural thing, maybe it's my attitude or sensibilities, i dunno really, hahaha. so yeah, it was me who has a problem, not them. ( ̄∇ ̄")

    but i won't slap them with a fish like what nanhee's mom did in the previous chapter lol. i'll just talk to them like what their plans are etc. but definitely won't get mad at them, it's their life after all.... it's just thinking about it makes me feel uncomfortable, i wouldn't know how to react :D ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

    nana May 8, 2019 5:26 am
    She is an adult not a teenager, so it's okay. CRMSNVictory

    different family, different way of life

    hiraya May 8, 2019 6:01 am
    different family, different way of life nana

    i agree

hiraya April 25, 2019 10:59 am

she finally said it!

hiraya April 16, 2019 11:49 am

i have a feeling the MC dude is still alive and is hiding somewhere because if he knew when and how he's going to die then he'll be able to escape it. but if it's an alternate universe, then there's no way his gift will reach the future xiao jia, and that's sad.

    Sachiko April 23, 2019 12:48 pm

    It's neither. T.

    Usako April 24, 2019 10:32 pm
    It's neither. T. Sachiko

    Darn, I had my hopes up there for a second

hiraya March 29, 2019 1:18 pm

oh well, sooha just cut doh's horns effortlessly. I imagined sooha doing a hair flip after doh's meltdown

hiraya April 15, 2019 7:21 am

i've been waiting for this showdown!!! yes, sooha, show her who's queen

hiraya March 8, 2019 12:50 pm

gobi always gets the most laughable fight scenes. hahahaha

hiraya March 2, 2019 11:46 am

i wish haena's sister is the reincarnation of mr. lee's love because i want him to get hurt. if he were to know how much the girl had suffered because of the curse, he'll regret cursing the family. oh but don;t get me wrong, i don't hate mr. lee... just want him to suffer a bit hehe

    IAmSenpaiNoticeMeXD March 7, 2019 6:50 am

    I thought of this too. If you think about it all the main characters have seen or know each other to some extent except mr Lee and hanna's sister

    MidoriFujoshi April 20, 2019 11:17 am

    That would actually wrap this all nicely. Both who have been unsuccessful with finding their partner... and bam destiny!

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