"No matter what I do, won't it be okay as long as he doesn't wake up."
Director Kang, what if I have the same mentality if I want to murder you? Well, it's not like you're going to wake up too, aren't you?
Also, you owe us that dream where there are two Doyoons. Just narrate it while Doyoon is sleeping please.
Elena was asked by her senior to paint. And freaking damn it. She drew Ian, her baby. She cried thereafter.(Elena was still posing as Lucia)
The Crown Prince (ML) saw the painting, and he said that he hopes that the baby grows up healthy. (Elena made up an excuse that it was the portrait of her little brother) Although Elena was still mad at the prince, she was thankful that Ian was recognized by his father in another life.
I was crying a god damn river.
It should go like this
46.1 - Reunion
46.2 - Apology
46.3 - Crying
46.4 - More Crying
46.5 - Somehow, they haven't stopped crying
46.6 - Make up
46.7 - Make Out
46.8 - Character Development
46.9 - Another character development
46.10 - Hopeful for character development
46.11 - Dissolution of relationship with other women
46.12 - Making up for all the things that he did
46.13 - Character Development please
46.14 - Perhaps, will there be a character development?
46.15 - Emergence of trauma
46.30 - MC still traumatized
46.40 - ML says sorry
46.45 - Says sorry again
46.50 - and again and again and again
46.75 - Where's the appropriate apology?
46.99 - SI.K.E.