i like the ending that they're stuck in a loop bcs both of them haven't learned anything. i just wish it was longer bcs it started out very interesting and this felt kinda rushed. could've been explored more imo. for example, i want to know the hyung's life and thoughts more. i think the lack of it is why ppl find it hard to sympathize with him.

what was hyunwoo supposed to learn? he wanted to leave the relationship and should be able to. he's not comfortable with his sexuality which is very understandable in asian culture, but he also doesn't like eunsong's intense obsessiveness and eunsong's the one that refuses to compromise on anything. eunsong needs to learn to let go, but at this rate he never will, and the infinite loops will just be him trying to break hyunwoo down to suit his own means even if it means killing him over and over again.

the manhwa started with him accepting eunsong back though. out of guilt, or that he's used to taking advantage of eunsong's love, whatever that is. he was stringing eunsong along too.
and just bcs it's understandable doesn't mean it's right to treat your partner like that, he's cowardly and dishonest.

yeah he probably accepted eunsong bc he was afraid he killed him (so the guilt), AND bc eunsong promised he'd do better, which he didn't. eunsong was the one who begged hyunwoo to take him back. hyunwoo did try to make it work and owned up to his behavior in the final chapter and tried to break it off again. eunsong does NOT love hyunwoo, he's manipulative af and just wants to isolate and dominate him.
again, i don't think hyunwoo has anything to learn in this relationship, the loop just exists for eunsong's perverse means

why wouldn't he have anything to learn? in this timeline, both of them didn't have any character growth. neither actually tried to change their ways. they acted the same like before and so they had the same ending again.
and tbh i'm not interested in choosing sides like the most commenters here do. i think the ending solidified that they're both not good. ofc mc is way worse with his rape and murder. i don't think your interpretation is impossible, the ending is so open anyway.

the murder wasn't enough a catalyst? he went on his day like nothing happened and it even crossed his mind to dispose eunsung's body so that he wouldn't be found out. he cares about his image the most and is self-centered. not to mention he's the older one in the relationship so he should know better. he doesn't deserve to be abused but his personality IS shitty.

i agree he doesn't have a good personality, but no, i don't think the murder is a catalyst for hyunwoo. he didn't want to be in the relationship and was trying to get away, why would the murder change that? eunsong turned out to be alive and was the same as always, so what could change him?
eunsong's the only one who wants the relationship, so it's up to him to show hyunwoo why it's worth it for him to stay, or to learn to let go.
seungha's response was valid and as a child he could only express his frustration to that kid. i mean why only demand understanding from seungha? the kid should be understanding too that his parents financially tortured seungha's parents after being saved. it was such an unfair situation and you shouldn't expect people to be angelic when the others are being total jerks.
Definitely agree