What if Crystal followed Mel, even inside the Hotel? Because Crystal doesn't know about the break up.. (correct me if I am wrong) So she follows her to the room, but stays around the corner outside. Then right when Crystal thinks it nothing big, she tries to leave. But she hear's the yelling. Leading her to barg in and catch Sue, placing her under arrest.
I don't think so. She'd need a warrant or at least a valuable reason backed by either chief of police or ADA. Spying on her friend out of curiosity is not a reason ;) She can wait for her in reception or outside the building.
what if you kept ur ideas to urself ?
Okay here's my theory: SungJi leaves Sumin for good, while Seju is waiting for Sumin in her mothers house. Sumin will try question SungJi, but it'll end up them walking separate ways. Sumin will try get SungJi back, but she won't allow it, because SungJi knows Sumin still loves Seju. Sumin will eventually give up and run back to Seju, but it'll be too late, as for Seju, possibility killing herself.. While Sumin is is crying in heartbreak. Leading her to try get back with SungJi once more, because Sumin would have no one. Just a theory tho.
Just shag each other already!
If you dont mind reading it in spanish, then you can find it in universo yuri. You wont be disappointed